
My wife loves him and I think that’s going to end it for us.

Yeah if you’ve already lost a turtle before that (which as a kid, I usually lost at least one to sucking at games) that damn level suuuuucks.

Well people pay $7 for the flavors and milk. Which is equally stupid.

But a 12 oz cup of straight-up coffee is still just $2. Of course, it’s overpriced but so is everything you don’t make at home.

I loved that cascara. It temporarily brought me out from my cold brew stupor.

i.e.: literally the best thing about the show.

For me, it was American Gods on Starz, more specifically the lengthy interrogation scene. Everyone involved was pitch perfect, but Cripsin Glover really knocked it out of the park.

I loved the Canto Bight scenes, but they’re unnecessary, overcomplicate the plot of the film, and are also lack any sort of subtlety.

Neil Gaiman’s was one of my favorites.

What in the actual FUCK is this guy on?

I’m absolutely marveling at your subtlety.


I’m happy, and slightly confused, at there being a Clone High panel out in the world. I’ll have to see if I can’t track down the whole thing online. It’s my absolute favorite animated show ever made.

Real tough typo in the headline.

OK, stop, now I’ve had to scrap two ideas in less than eight hours!

Wait, other people have had this idea?

This was the first, and only, episode I saw during the original airing for the show. I was immediately in love.

Agreed. I talk about Clone High every day.

Are you kidding? He drinks RAW milk, only.

That’s no way to talk about Dolph Lundgren.

I’m so tired of draining this swamp. And winning.