By chance is this one of those things I wouldn’t understand without being there?
By chance is this one of those things I wouldn’t understand without being there?
NBC= No Black Champions?
I guess the CBC commentators are a little out of their depth when it comes to unfrozen water. At least they are gold medalists in apologizing.
For a second there, Ryan Lochte thought he’d dyed and gone to heaven.
How do you think the Greeks wrestled? Embrace homoeroticism! I’d say that they can wear a cup in sports where getting kicked in the testicles would put them at a disadvantage.
Kick the pearl clutchers to the curb and make the Olympics nude again!
I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.…
Russia’s only mistake was not signing a deal with Nike.
Not a single swimmer or a single track & field athlete who wins a medal in Rio will have done so without having doped in some way. It is physically impossible.
Does any athlete in this day and age really get that much faster without doping?
Ashley Judd’s breasts probably saw right through Trump. you?
What a time to be alive.
Did you read the whole article? Zatkowski may only want to have reporters wearings something classier than jeans and sneakers, but some of his enforcers are getting their own ideas and one of them told a lady reporter to cover her shoulders.
I work with Alli and Chelsea (the second protester) and they SO ARE! Chelsea has disrupted Trump multiple times and Alli performed a “citizen’s arrest” on Henry Kissinger for his war crimes. I’ve been re-tweeting like crazy from the West Coast (where I’m holding down the fort for our LA office)! I’m so proud to work…
These women are badasses.
I like pissy Kelly. Let her blow off some steam. Strahan will be gone soon anyways.
It means Jennifer Garner has a single scene as a dead marine who loves karaoke.
The terrified-cracker contingent is perfectly willing to condone the hate speech & the white-supremacist pals, because it doesn’t affect THEM, as long as he makes the empty promises they want to hear. Siege mentality.