Never mention “Tesla killer” because fanboys are gonna flip out.
Never mention “Tesla killer” because fanboys are gonna flip out.
RE2 isn’t as scary as RE7. I’m on my third run already got S rank now playing Claire 2nd run with unlimited ammo not as scary as first time around.
I guess everyone is an “expert” on internet. Shuffle turn is not correct way to turn in certain situations.
Didn’t think any Android owners would care since Google is already spying them.
Wondering the same. Normally those guys just glance at the receipt for like 10 sec, how can you spot cashier’s error? Even they undercharge you how can the checkers spot it right away without really knowing all the item’s price by memory? Seems like checkers are there to really prevent people walking out with items.
At least on Lexus those tail lights made sense they’re letter “L” where on BMW it’s a failed unless they want to market it as Lexus cars.
I don’t own the car just correcting people with misinformation. Bluetooth being insecure isn’t true. Thieves can steal any cars with keyfobs wireless not just bluetooth.
You don’t need to pull out your phone to unlock the car. It connects with bluetooth of your phone and when you approach the car it will unlock when you pull the handle. Obviously you have never driven the car or even sat in one.
Can I bid on the cat?
TouchID works great for most people but for me it’s unreliable. Just a few minutes ago I tried to unlock with TouchID and it failed 3 times due to my sweaty fingers. With FaceID I don’t even have to touch the screen.
“Speed isnt whats causes most accidents.”
Perfectly legal U-turn and if Smart car had stayed on the left most lane after U-turn cop car would still rammed it either way. No excuse!
My heart almost sank from reading the title briefly until I saw “almost”. Geez don’t give me heart attack, I’ve only seen one season of The Grand Tour.
10 min is actually pretty good for a tiny drone. DJI Spark battery lasts only 12-15 min.
Was the biker riding on the shoulder? There’s a solid double line or it was a carpool lane?
Will the windshield washer fluid still spray to the roof of the car when driving on freeway? It works well when the car is standing still.
No wonder he can’t get a girlfriend.
It’s a tough game for sure. After beating HZD I started playing Zelda BOTW, the bosses in Zelda are a breeze compared to just the regular robots roaming around on the field let alone the final boss in HZD.
Maybe the tire pressure was a bit low.