Jimbo Collins


hrm i was just about to sign up to host my wedding website through them later tonight... looks like i'll be in after the security fix

"So we know which group is happier, on the face of it—but are the happier people making better products? That's the question we should really care about, because at the end of the day, both companies' employees are rich and working of their own volition"

I have the weirdest boner right now...

I learned more in the comments section than from the original article.

+1 page view... keep up the great work guys!!!!! quality stuff!!!

hrm, this article is probably the nicest one you got when it comes to bashing Android... and that's only because it's one sentence long

you can find some really nice headphones in the $100-$250 range that are probably better than this (and no, not Beats)

yeah not the kinda audio you want playing on your laptop while your family is around

this is actually a really tough poll, i can't commit to any single option... i would have liked to see the Xoom mentioned as Option #6, it's been around the longest and spec-wise can still hold it's own even today (plus 4G LTE!)

maybe if they just start moving all these tech conventions to Silicon Valley then they wouldn't need to fly out to places such as Spain for CTIA

I love this article! It doesn't bash Android!

i've been a Vegas man for years up until a few months ago when i switched to Cubase for audio recording... for video, i can't imagine using anything else, but never say never... i wouldn't mind learning how to use Premiere

now that you mention it, i can see how that'd be a problem... not a fan of the connector they chose but other than a little dust in my volume potentiometer i have to say these speakers have never let me down... but i can see where that part of the sub would be fragile

this chart is eerily similar to Android/iOS/Blackberry

awesome, got here after the title change

i bought the Klipsch Promedia 2.1 setup YEARS ago when it was $300 ... best 2.1 computer system i've ever heard, beats some of my friends' home theater setups... amazingly smooth bass even with the sub dialed in at just 20%, and the speakers have awesome clarity

eh, i like both... i bought an Xbox cuz it was cheaper, but i hate paying for XBL so i'm usually near a PS3 at my sister's or my buddy's and i play on that more... you can bet if a game comes out for both i'll more likely buy it on PS3 for the free online

haven't done it yet, should i keep you posted?