Jimbo Collins

you're right... I dunno why I expect them to be unbiased, when I first started coming to Giz it seemed to be the case but i might be in denial

You call these deals? Fucking A, we need to get you guys out of the office more.

since we're being irrational around here, let me just go ahead and say YOU are a piece of shit

the feature didn't "mimic Apple's as-of-unveiled virtual shutter button" ... that's an incredibly nice way of saying "it was our idea the whole time, we didn't steal anything from that developer"

seriously FUCK this article... why do i even have Gizmodo in my RSS feed anymore? Was there a secret deal made with Apple where Giz has to talk shit on Android EVERY chance they get?

love my 4.3" screen, videos and web browsing are great on a large screen that, would you believe it, FITS IN MY POCKET

i always use dpreview for comparisons and sample galleries... this giz article is a waste of time! haha

hrm, i was able to create two Pages for a couple bands that i'm in... am i special or did Gizmodo just not bother with trying to see if they could in fact create their own?

i gave this stuff a try a couple months ago... veryyyyy.... interesting.... accurate description of the taste in the article, i'd say if you're thinking about trying it then try and muster up two wild hairs rather than just the one (or share it with someone so it goes away faster)

Just saying, it seemed like you thought that this app was in some way a response or answer to Siri's popularity. I think all of us Android users were letting you know this isn't the first TTS/STT app we've seen, so don't patronize us with your "btw did I tell ya I bought an iPhone 4S? Cuz I bought an iPhone 4S... you

My Gawker account was banned a long time ago for making an Asian joke (I am in fact Asian) ... I log in with my FB account now, so they can't ban. :-)

yes, big fan of LauncherPro before I rooted, still am afterwards... my original comment was more about comparing the homescreen organization style of iOS/MIUI/Espier versus other launchers... in reality, Android offers so many options/configs/combinations that I really shouldn't have any complaints... currently back

Boo Google! Wahhhh! If only they put out flawless software like Apple does.

He's right, guys... I first discovered this during my first McDonald's Monopoly season, his calculations are sound

This. This is exactly why.

O HAI, Android has an MLB app too.

running MIUI on my Evo, i really hate not having an app drawer... i put all my apps into one folder and made that my middle icon in the dock... something about having a bunch of folders strewn across my homescreens is oddly unnerving, and what's odd is that's basically the premise behind Windows? ah well

i saw the "Why do we like it?" title for the last paragraph and smiled

yes, another fine addition to the more than 5 options we already had before Siri showed up

yeah, every time i came across the phrase "CRT filter" i cringed... IT'S CALLED SCANLINES, AND THEY ARE NOT NEW