These are the types of trips that one might call “character building”.
Lanesplitter becoming a real place.
You can still cause damage to your eyes even if you close them while welding. But yes, he probably was.
Yes. Unless he’s just an insane masochist.
That’s my gun!!! Seriously, I was the OPS/CSO on GTN when we installed the Block 1B mounts she currently has. I was really proud of the work my Sailors put in on getting it installed, calibrated, and getting rounds down range. It was probably the smoothest thing on that entire tour.
It can have manual locks and windows for all i care, as long as it has autopilot.
Wow, I guess times have changed. That’s great to hear! If I ever need to travel by train again, I will keep this in mind and give it another chance.
Jeep paid for the sandwiches and snacks! They were awesome!
Seriously though, kudos to Tavarish for not re-typing a press release. Thanks for being critical of something. Though maybe Jeep footing the bill for your airfare might have changed that.
Let’s get this out of the way first. I’m not much of a bandwagon rider when it comes to things that are built simply to generate hype. I haven’t attended a Transformers movie premiere since high school and I don’t give an aerated turd about the next season of Game of Thrones because I’ve never seen it, nor do I care…
Times have changed, Joe. DC to Chicago is pure enjoyment, Chicago to LA is reeeeeeeelaxing. Lots of space to roam about, every inch of the train was spotless, GREAT lounge cars, power outlets everywhere, and the whole thing rides like it’s on a metronome-ticking pillow of love. We were doing 90+ mph through Colorado…
Roomette is the ONLY way to do it. My room attendant was the bomb, the showers were hot and plentiful, the food was exceptional (and included in the cost), etc etc... DC to LA is ~3 1/2 days each way and I’d do it again and again.
I read a handful of books, played through a ton of old NES/SNES video games on my laptop via. a USB PS2 controller, stared out the window, made new friends, napped, and ate like a king. I didn’t have a cell phone and there was no wifi, and I couldn’t have enjoyed it any more.
Maybe don’t ride 2 mph in the middle of the road, up a hill, on a windy road full of blind curves with no bike lane, and a speed limit of 40 mph.
So the question becomes, how much of a premium will it be to ship your container by direct train to Europe vs. via the normal over-sea methods?
16 days compared to 30-40 is a considerable time difference for large scale freight. Das ist interesting.
I do love a millennial who thinks 40 years olds are so old we don’t know what the internet is or how to use it. (do they not teach the history of the technology in school?)
Meanwhile, everyone involved could have just parked 3 rows up and have been inside feeding the goats, in the amount of time it took to argue and fight.