
BoTW still had its share of clipping, pop-in, texture/shader screwups, memory management mishaps, and framerate issues, and that was a flagship title with a lot more time and polish put in. I once flew into a village too quickly and had the game lock up for 10-15 seconds after I landed as it tried to load in the

“Essentially, these tokens can be used to unlock specific items within the Battle Pass at your own pace—whether it is a new free functional weapon or a cool new Operator Skin, you have control over what gets unlocked earlier on the road to 100% map completion.”

To be fair it sounds like Tri-Ace has been running off of whatever cash they’ve had lying around from their long-cancelled Star Ocean mobile gacha, and I don’t think they’d have been able to do anything with the Valkyrie IP while still working on the new Star Ocean.

It is what it is, and being that Yuzu is still in-development obviously it’s not going to be a perfect experience. Mario Kart 8 and Smash Ultimate run fine; Fire Emblem Three Houses actually hit above 40 FPS in most spots with the 60FPS patch, which is still better than the locked 30FPS on the Switch. However, heavier

RIP GameFAQs, I guess. Can’t wait for every simple text-only or light HTML guide to become an ad-infested hellscape.

Already, a number of the videos linked by Kotaku yesterday have vanished from Twitter and YouTube, in a move that previously removed any doubt about the validity of the footage. You don’t issue DMCA takedowns of videos that aren’t your property.

The only way I can really see this working is if it utilizes Nintendo’s online services to verify a console key/hash or something, as online connectivity is the only thing emulator devs have really been hesitant about. But it’s detrimental to the end-user experience for players with multiple consoles or for games that

Hi, visual novel fan here. I can safely say that I agree with most of the points the author made. The problem isn’t that the game is mostly a visual novel, it’s that the game is mostly a -bad- visual novel. The pacing is glacial, the characters are one-dimensional, and exploration and battles feel more like padding

Also, if you want to dig into the really niche stuff, check out Monochrome Mobius (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1962430/Monochrome_Mobius_Rights_and_Wrongs_Forgotten/), releasing this October worldwide. It’s a prequel to the cult classic Utawarerumono games - more specifically, to the Mask of Deception/Mask of

“[Trails from Zero] came to PSP in 2010 but was never localized—until now.”

Valve decided to use an immutable file system for the Steam Deck’s OS - essentially, the core of the operating system, including the directories where system-wide apps are typically installed, is read-only. It’s a safeguard against people who’d accidentally end up making their OS unbootable by blindly following

I got spoiled a bit pre-release on Captain Carter showing up, along with some version of the Illuminati, and obviously Patrick Stewart wasn’t at all subtle about his appearance. But honestly, I didn’t think we’d be getting any sort of Fantastic Four appearance until that universe’s Christine mentioned working for the

I noticed that’s how it was credited, too, as the theme from X-Men ‘97. It’s really pedantic, but it kind of bugs me because the cartoon was on for years and ended in ‘97. I’m sure the actual X-Men ‘97 follow-up will use the same theme, or some variation of it, but it still feels off to me.

Honestly this game sounds like it takes some heavy inspiration from Shin Megami Tensei - production interviews from earlier this year mentioned things like morality-based route splits and negotiating with enemy Digimon to get them to join you.

Interesting twist in making Byleth a villain, at least for the early stages of the story (and let’s face it, there’s no way they’d actually let that stick), but the trailer pretty heavily implies that there’ll be split routes again, which makes me wonder... what’s the point in the first place?

It seems like a pretty obvious ploy, with the new version of PlayStation Plus coming up. Inevitably, people would start asking why they could download and play, on their PS4s and PS5s, only the PS1/PS2/PSP games they’re renting via Plus and not the ones they’ve long since bought and paid for. The simplest solution is

Not necessarily a ‘joke’, but Landfall, the devs behind some other silly games like Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and Clustertruck, dropped a new title on Steam, currently free-to-own. It’s probably the best co-op horse-drifting-racer/gunslinging-knight-battle-royale that $0 will buy.

Having only ever seen the director’s cut, I thought the movie was fine. Little too much Seether and Evanescence in the soundtrack, Colin Farrell was a bit too over-the-top , but it wasn’t bad by any means.

Having picked it up in a previous Itch megabundle, I really enjoyed Lenna’s Inception, a semi-randomized, glitch-tinted love letter to the Zelda games of the early 90's. It’s far from the most polished game in the bundle, but I liked it enough that I went and bought it again on Steam just to make sure the developers

You’d think, but I honestly have to wonder how much actual code is left from the SNES version at this point and how much has been rewritten from scratch. They very clearly and carelessly ported the PC release back from the Android version, which included new DS content and likely used it as a codebase, and as the DS