Nah, it’s entirely Zuckerburg’s vanity. Make a world where he looks completely normal, by making a world where everyone looks as uncanny as him.
Nah, it’s entirely Zuckerburg’s vanity. Make a world where he looks completely normal, by making a world where everyone looks as uncanny as him.
I honestly don’t see this being worth $60 unless they managed to (re-)license the entire original soundtrack, which they haven’t yet confirmed, to my knowledge.
I dunno - I like that they’re doing something different, but it feels too similar thematically to the final season of Agents of SHIELD for me to get excited about it. It still feels like Legends at its core, at least, but I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
The biggest issue is that they dedicated themselves to (or were constrained to) remastering ALL of Diablo 2, networking included, rather than remastering the client - the thing the players actually care about - and rewriting the server-side handling from scratch, with modern design paradigms in mind. The internet is a…
Realistically, it’s Melty Blood in name only - it’s a fighting game by French-Bread featuring Tsukihime characters, but it’s based in the Tsukihime remake universe (or multiverse, I guess) and tells its own story (which I can’t say much about since I won’t have time until the weekend to try it out). The combat style…
The biggest problem I have with this is the timing of the game forcing the roster to be so small. The original Melty Blood, and its subsequent updates, came after Tsukihime and its fandiscs/sequels, allowing for both a bigger roster of Tsukihime characters and a fresh story that made room for a number of new fighters.
I’ve been a Genshin Impact player since launch, and over the past few weeks the community’s made it awfully tough to openly admit being a fan. There’ve always been portions of the player base whining about gacha, the CCP, whatever, but since the 2.1 update a very large portion of the fanbase has just been openly toxic…
I mean, since MiHoYo relies on their fanbase to do most of their advertising for them (see: most of the social media “giveaways” for the anniversary event), it makes sense that they’d do as little as possible to alienate such an exploitable community.
Sorry, but if my TV tells me I have to connect it to the internet before I can use it as a fucking TV, it's going right back to the store.
This is what’s consistently baffled me about the PC release of the Master Chief collection. I just don’t get how they figure doing seasonal rewards for multiplayer is more important than the core features that made people buy Halo in the first place. It’s not like it can’t be done inside the current Microsoft Store…
As a senior in high school, I was basically part of a pilot program for an e-learning program the district wanted to incorporate for classes that were too small to allocate teachers to. The lectures were all given through a Flash-based web player that would reliably crash or lock up on the old, half-patched versions…
Also photographed for the short-lived eBay listing were two all-black DualSense controllers, contrasting the more prominent two-toned color schemes of the peripheral’s currently available designs.
Not sure which is more shocking: that there wasn’t an automated test that flagged this before release, or that people still use Chromebooks.
Might’ve leaned too much into the cheese at times, but this episode was the closest they’ve come to absolutely nailing Constantine as a character since his own series got cancelled, and I’d like to see some more of it in the future.
right now halo’s matchmaking requires eac, which won’t work, but there’s an option in the launcher that lets you start the game without eac, which still works with custom games and multiplayer campaign mode.
As long as I don’t need to replace and solder new capacitors on the board every few years, I’m sold.
So they busted into a warehouse with only the vaguest of circumstantial evidence, then covered their asses by seizing everything anyways under pretenses of a crime that they very clearly could've found hard evidence of beforehand if it'd actually been happening. Very cool, not a broken system at all.
Kinda weird to see Soul Hackers as one of their example ‘inactive’ IPs; properly speaking, everything Megami Tensei related (save for Persona) in the last 25 years or so should fall under the Shin Megami Tensei umbrella, including Soul Hackers. Being that Soul Hackers was one game in a sub-subseries that would’ve…
Is the translation actually good, or just passable enough to get the point across? MAGES’ in-house localizations have a spotty record at best, and with games like YU-NO, Robotics;Notes, and especially Steins;Gate 0 you’ll come across a bunch of stuff (mostly side dialogues, text messages, or other texts that might’ve…
T-Mobile has been shipping out 5G modem/routers since late December or so for their Home Internet service, and as someone who’s been using the service for a little over three months now (back before they jacked the price from $50 to $60), all I can say is ‘wait’.