
You are definitely correct on that. If he had any prior issues, they are clearly at fault, he probably shouldn't have even been allowed in in that case. If he had no past history, I don't think it is reasonable to blame it on the school. Solely his fault IMO in that case.

During class changes maybe. My school never had a regular hall monitor. Even still, you can't realistically post a monitor in places so they can see everything going on. If students want to sneak into a bathroom, there's not much that they can do to stop it short of posting a lot of monitors all over the school.

What I am wondering is why the school would be responsible to be sued? What should they have done to protect this girl exactly? She voluntarily went into the bathroom with him. Are they supposed to have somebody stationed in every bathroom or private room (closets, whatever) to make sure kids aren't meeting up in

I felt the same way until I went to Kansas City Con once with a friend. It was actually pretty fun with a kick ass after party. Definitely some nerdy stuff going on that I'm not as in to, but there was a lot of stuff for everyone I think. Had a great time.

All awesome points and important to note. Also, from how I interpret this story, I think it falsely claims that these pictures were taken from these women's computers. Most likely, they were pulled from these women's email accounts (ie looking through emails they had sent/received and downloading attachments). If

Wrong. According to the dictionary:

I am very comfortable and have a great time at strip clubs. Your last sentence implies that only guys who don't enjoy it aren't woman hating racists. How terribly judgmental of you! In fact, more often than not, in the times I have been to the strip club it was at the suggestion of my wife, who also enjoys it.

He doesn't provide abortions. Didn't you hear, abortions are over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does! *

Not that this isn't ridiculous anyway, but I'm confused how if this woman followed anything having to do with Casey Anthony, she didn't know Anthony was still in jail.

This is the dumbest post I've seen on Jezebel in a while. First, as pointed out already, Feminism is about doing whatever the hell you want to do and having the right to do it.

Nobody is, and I never said or implied anyone is. No, I don't reward my wife when she does the dishes. I guess you might say I reward her beforehand with a delicious home cooked meal (I'm a pretty good cook I think) and I am the only person who ever cooks in our house. So thanks for the attack, really. You

Very jealous!

I was so bummed my wife and I couldn't get tickets for midnight tomorrow. Only ones available at our theater was for the one showing that wasn't IMAX, 3D, or digital projection. We decided that it was worth waiting an extra day to see it in IMAD 3D. Wish I would've thought to buy tickets longer ago, could've got

How did you manage that? Early release in France?

Sometimes I long for the days of childhood, particularly later childhood. Not all that bad. #justsaying

Legitimate point. I will say that my wife does more than me in housework most of the time. It's not that I don't feel I should have to do it as a man. I think it's more of that I am more willing to deal with a small/medium mess than she is. If there is clutter around the house, or a half sink full of dishes, I

I can't speak to whether they are typically permitted or not, I don't know.

The Harm Principle? I can find you a ton of conservatives that believe very strongly that Gay marriage will lead to a huge harm against society. In fact, that is the one argument they always make, that it will destroy families and the institution of marriage.