
Ha. My first thought when I read that too. Nothing better than eating a good burger!

I imagine they will release it when Apple approves it. I wouldn't be surprised if it has already been submitted. Google understands that a lot of potential Google+ users don't have Android.

It's great to see our government is so quick to condemn Iran, Egypt, Libya, North Korea, or whoever else when they grossly violate human rights, but completely ignore it every time Saudi Arabia does because we like their oil. It disgusts me.

Taking something that somebody left behind is theft. And to answer your original question, yes it is. Just because somebody left something out in the open, doesn't mean you can steal it. If I leave my car running and walk away for an hour, doesn't give someone the right to just have it.

Definitely tough to defend a short piece of writing like you said. I have no experience with this stuff, but I would think that the fact that they copied her font exactly as well would make it much easier?

Bachmann's campaign team just released their first bumper sticker.

Most animals don't have the thought capabilities to consent so that would pretty much the wrong term in my opinion.

As a man, I can't say I have ever had the slightest natural inclination for rape. Sure, I've seen plenty of women that made me just think about having sex with them, but if it wasn't consensual, I don't think I could even do it. First, there's the guilt issue, I couldn't live with myself if I hurt someone in that

Serious question: are any of those fat friends that work for Google women? Generally speaking, few fat men are discriminated against in the work place. Most people generally don't care what a man looks like. Fat women, however, are often discriminated against and have substantially more difficult time finding work

"Bait to get more people to switch or keep current customers."

Great news for me while I'm streaming at work since my office has the slowest internet connection ever! Maybe I can finally watch stuff without it stuttering non stop.

Doesn't that cell phone have to get hooked up to "the grid" every night to charge?

This is the biggest thing that stood out in the AP article to me. Nothing at all about this indicates that this girl was being victimized. What ridiculous language to use.

The "bitchy" in your name is dead on apparently. Not sure why I was attacked for an anectdotal story either. No bitchy, I did not say that my wife falls into the majority, but I'm pretty sure this survey doesn't cite any studies that say she doesn't. I have no idea.

It just so happens that my straight wife enjoys lap dances from female strippers. More often than not, it is her convincing me to go to the strip club, and never the other way around.


Not to mention why was all the outrage focused on Delta? That was their policy. The military obviously agreed to this when they set up the deal to purchase tickets for the troops. If the troops need to bring more bags, the military should pay Delta more for each ticket to allow it. Otherwise, it isn't Delta's

Has anyone stopped to consider that this could be completely fabricated? I have to admit it sounds almost too ridiculous and blatant to be true. I am certainly curious to hear Apple's side of the story.

Trust me, I know of many guys like that when it comes to anything from grooming, to fitness (fat guys who get pissed if their girlfriend gains 5 pounds), and giving oral sex, or any number of other things.