
You need to keep studying cause I spent 9 years studying the affects of UV on your skin and the benefits far out way the downsides which DOES NOT INCLUDE cancer. Only Skin type 0/1 has a slight increase in getting skin cancer.

You mean a LITTLE Chewie?

How is she supposed to be an Amazonian warrior without any muscle tone whatsoever?

How was your Star Wars meat tube?

After Spaceballs you can’t really talk about movie marketing silliness any more. Mel simply owns that idea.

In a world... where J.J. Abrams makes movies without Orci...

You know, sometimes the ads pop up to the point I literally can’t edit, save, or publish my articles? Preachin’ to the choir over here.

I suggest you reread the book, since you obviously missed the point.

“Unfortunately, you can’t buy the original version of the movie anymore”. Hey Disney, you own Star Wars now, right? Do you like $$$? Someone told me you like $$$, Disney. Guess what, I’m a huge Star Wars fan with $$$ that would like to own the original unaltered movies in HD format, and I have never purchased nor

Of all the things they could change/update, the description of the Overlords seems like the one thing they CAN’T change. That reveal is a key part of the plot, and if they change it to protect delicate sensibilities, that would be a betrayal of the whole story.

So, should I pack up and head for the mountains?

CO levels are normally measured in parts per million, not parts per billion. 1,300 ppb = 1.3 ppm.