Can you imagine being in an autonomous taxi, and realizing that sometimes following you? After a while, you call customer support, and they get it to run a yellow light, but to no avail.
Can you imagine being in an autonomous taxi, and realizing that sometimes following you? After a while, you call customer support, and they get it to run a yellow light, but to no avail.
My search and rescue unit repeatedly had to rescue people who drove capable high clearance 4WD vehicles into the river or onto rocks. Driver skill is a massive factor. My fellow SAR members constantly teased me about taking my low clearance Chevy Volt all over.
It is pretty big when you see it in person. Videos of release events don’t give quite the same sense of scale. (Of course, the measurements are published, but I suspect that many people don't know how many feet their vehicle is in each dimension.)
The local Tesla service center had one when I had them swap my winter tires to my all seasons for summer.
The trouble with beta is that some like Google call their production software in wide use beta for several years. So, if Tesla does that, stuff you thought you had could be removed years later. “Still beta, sorry.”. It’s nice they’re using data to update and sometimes improve (or perhaps remove), but they’re also…