
Yeah, don’t approve my post about how to avoid killing your battery when removing corrosion or how and why using a truly waterproof protectant for the terminals is better than petroleum jelly... after all, why would anyone “care”?

Petroleum jelly is water-soluble, so it’s only a so-so solution. Use silicone grease on the battery terminals or a commercial battery terminal protectant such as Lynx Battery Terminal Protection Spray. I bought a spray can of the Lynx protectant about 15 years ago and have used it on every new or replacement battery

“Light switch gaps” (and outlet gaps, too)- many times gaps can be filled with a product called “hard mud” or “plaster mud”, a type of drywall compound that sets “chemically” rather than needing to dry before becoming hard and is available in bags with a variety of “setting times” (45 min, 90 min, etc.) after mixing

I’m all for the concept of the overall cost reduction, but I question the risk inherent in removing the land-based leg of the triad in the age of more and more disruptive technologies. All it would take is a single breakthrough in space- or ocean-based detection and tracking or other technical methods, and our SSBNs

Via the “magic” of a patent from the USPTO, which gives the inventor a legal monopoly for the period of the patent (currently, 20 years).

Comcast Internet service has been fairly decent for us. We go through occasional hiccups, but downstream/upstream speeds to our house meet or exceed their service commitments, and customer support has been not-bad. Wouldn’t call it good, but not terrible - Dell is the only company I know of that deserves the “horrible