Who was the deadspin writer who said France/Germany was essentially the final and France was the best in the world? Please step forward and be laughed at, sir.
Who was the deadspin writer who said France/Germany was essentially the final and France was the best in the world? Please step forward and be laughed at, sir.
The BroJos at letsrun can be extreme in their pursuit of a clean track and field. They declared Salazar and NOP guilty as soon as the ProPublica/BBC articles came out despite it being as you described. Salazar’s response was very strong, even if at some places bizarre and paranoid, and the BroJos aren’t sure what to…
My favorite is the open ended parentheses at the end.
This is both amazing and really fucking terrifying.
Natrone Means
Hey, sometimes the dumbest solutions are the dumbest.
This is the absolute dumbest solution.
Deadspin’s Descriptions of Rob Gronkowski, ranked:
If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out.
We’re a rare breed, you and I.
Ms. Barker, does one of these ladies have a realistic chance to win an Olympic gold medal? The reason I ask is no American woman has ever won one at this distance. have they?
It’s going to be so satisfying to watch when someone eventually beats the shit out of him.
After I saw you on “Chopped” I concluded you were the whitest man I’d ever seen. Now you tell me you walk around the house with a tennis racket? You’re the whitest man anyone’s ever seen.
We get it all done while you are getting ready in the bathroom
No, you clear room in the basket for a blob. Damn amateur fry eaters.
thanks for your input, get-dick
He’s like Drew Magary if Drew Magary was on radio and actually successful.
It’s not haha funny; it’s an ironic position whose underlying truth is demonstrated by the fact that (almost) everybody here is taking it seriously. As ridiculous as it is, it captures the Gawker ethos quite well.
“Phillips, if you have forgotten or never knew, is a terrible human being.”
Kendall Gill really has a grasp in the American langwage