Fuck these bigots. On behalf of my wife who is Jewish and my unborn child who will be Jewish, fuck them all right in the dickhole
Fuck these bigots. On behalf of my wife who is Jewish and my unborn child who will be Jewish, fuck them all right in the dickhole
I’m really late to the party here, but you hit a nerve here with me. My wife is Jewish, and since Trump has been elected, I’ve felt far less at ease when we’re at temple. Maybe a conceal carry would help put my mind at ease.
I’ll bet Barron’s already an asshole too. Through no fault of his own, of course.
LOL at Giants fans. Your biggest rival doesn’t even consider your neck beard team a rival.
Meh. He does, AZ governor installs crazy right wing nut job who votes yes no matter what. 6 of one...
Here’s an idea: quit doing illegal and unamerican shit and people wouldn’t be “unamerican” by “illegally” leaking.
If someone would have written this presidency plot 2 years ago for a season of House of Cards and I watched it, I would’ve been so pissed about how it’s not a believable scenario. I stand corrected.
Came here to say that. Thank you. This is typical hamno garbage, and a reminder why this is the first article I’ve opened of his in a LONG time. Coincidentally it will also be the last article I open of his for a LONG time.
Vikings fan here. Had same thought while reading article. Fuck the Vikings forever.
I don’t claim to be an expert, and I hope this doesn’t sound like wypipo talking about something I have no business discussing but....
How the hell does this clown get out of the grays and I’m still relegated to kinda purgatory. (BTW, fuck your mother, Trumper)
Fair. But to a lesser extent, fuck those idiots who don’t get out and vote against him and/or ridicule those who do support him.
AS a Central Iowa suburban teacher, I echo this. We’ll put.
Central Iowan here. Fuck the western half of the state. Nebraska and Cooter Ray can have it.
His district is a cesspool of farmers who get millions in subsidies and then (without irony) complain about a mom getting $50 a week in food help. Fuck western and northwestern Iowans.