
This is a completely asinine article - seriously.

Fuck you, libtard cunt.

What kind of fucktard would write something incredibly irresponsible and inflammatory like this?

I love it how fucktards like you think “Republicans” are the only ones who lie. They all lie. Democrats lie with a moral superiority complex that makes then believe their opinions are sacrosanct.

I think it’s hysterical a wannabe journalist douche like yourself, working for a fakenews site like this, has the balls to try and call out Alex Jones.

Sorry, but you’re full of shit. I grew up with 3 sisters, and all of them and my mother had their periods within days of each other each month without fail.

Let’s talk about why you’re such a know-nothing douche.

OMG ... what an incredible whiny douche you are. You need to build yourself a room covered in aluminum foil and go off the grid so those nasty hacker people won’t reach you.

I have worked on bikes for years and we always use WD-40 on the chains - always. Just because some clueless douchebag like yourself comes along and says otherwise doesn’t make it so.

LoL ... you’re a clueless douchebag. Now run along and go back to playing your PS4 or whatever you do in your parents’ basement all day.

Jesus ... you really are just another journalist-wannabe, fucktard racist.

So essentially your “story” that he is upset is third-party hearsay and conjecture, the kind of “Fake News” your organization loves to peddle.

That’s exactly what happened, you fucktard douche.

And where were the libtard protests then? Oh right, it was Obama so that was different.

Great: then leave. I’ll even drive you to the airport or bus terminal.

You do realize that all the money in the world cannot argue a case that has no merits, right?

Awww ... boo-fucking-hoo. Tissue?

Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011, and yet none of you protested that. The banned country list is from one the Obama Administration created.

LoL ... Another under-employed “journalist” snowflake writing complete nonsense.

You’re both a couple of fucking morons - seriously.