Jim 108

I would add Alethia to the list, now that I think of it. I loved how all the different parties (Vigilance, Control, Team Machine) were after the Samaritan drives… And out of nowhere comes Greer, who had been absent for 12 episodes, making people think he was "done with" as a villain after the Virus plot line. Then

Yeah, that would make sense. As I said, I'm not from the US and didn't look very thoroughly (only had a single screenshot from the Pilot to compare).

It's not? In that case, I have zero nitpicks about this episode! I used the flags on the left as a point of comparison - figured they would be gone five years later, but I'm not from New York (or the US for that matter) so I wouldn't know and didn't bother to compare more thoroughly. Couldn't find Jim Caviezel in the

That was perfect! I loved everything about it. The big "lesson" of the show was a bit heavy handed, but the show has been cheesy before so it still fits within that context. It was amazing, and I was surprised that they showed Reese getting hit by hundreds of bullets. That was brutal. And funny, because Reese actually

That line stuck with me. So much that I was completely distracted by the "exit" sign in the subway ten seconds later.

"The Devil's Share" is my favorite, but not just because of the montage. The moody flashbacks showing everyone from the cast dealing with death, the team using Root as an asset for the first time, the "Miami Showdown" scene which might just be Reese's most badass moment, Finch concluding that "We save lives" and that

And two towers made of dead Stark and Bolton soldiers right next to the castle.

Fair enough. I should have known to phrase it better, especially after this episode!

No, they didn't end it but I think less screen time was dedicated to it. I looked back and I remember now: Pornstache's mother wanted to adopt the baby, but Daya's mother told her it was stillborn and the baby ended up with Daya's ex(?) who was arrested at the end of the season.

Daya's baby? That's been there since the beginning, but IIRC the guard who got her pregnant (Bennett?) left in episode 2 of the third season, to be never seen again. I think there was less Daya after that as well, which was great.

If you're going to put someone in the back of your car, you have to search them properly!

I honestly think episode 5x10 is where the producers decided that the show was going to to be cancelled, since they wouldn't get confirmation about that from CBS themselves. It does seem odd that the virus just came out of nowhere, now that you mention it. Maybe we'll see the "devestating consequences" of that next

His death would have changed things. But since the Team decided against killing him (despite the Machine advising them to do so), Samaritan was launched. That means it would have happened even without the Machine.

I think I'll choose to interpret it that way as well. It makes a lot more sense - even though Arya is clearly pointing her own sword at him.

Or she will use the Greyjoy boats and arrive in Winterfell, just in time for the Battle of the Bastards!

Nothing was right about what happened in episode 7. We saw Arya preparing for a fight in episode 6. Then she strolls around the city and gets stabbed by and old lady who - duh - is not an old lady. Then we get back to Arya, who is injured but not that badly, all prepared for a fight with the Waif. It just doesn't fit.

Tyrion did seem like a carricature, but I enjoyed watching Grey Worm and Missandei having fun. You're right that it was probably filler, but I hope that we do see a change in those two characters after this scene.

But do we really know how long Arya had been under Lady Crane´s care? Everyone assumes it's just a few days, but I'm not so sure… but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that I missed a line about it somewhere in the episode either.

We do speak English well, haha. I'm not sure why. Maybe because we spent a lot of time on the internet. Anyway… Michael Emerson seems to put some effort into pronouncing the words right (which is just like him, from what I've read in interviews) and Jim Caviezel either makes the words sound German or just not like any

As a Dutchman, I do want to add to that last bit that Michael Emerson is the best actor in the cast when it comes to giving Dutch commands to Bear. That doesn't say much though, because when Jim Caviezel attempts to speak Dutch I have no idea what he's even trying to say.