Jim 108

I was wondering what the last fight of the series would be, now that the virus has been installed already. I think you're right - Samaritan will come after that bit of itself in the subway.

Jim Caviezel: Nah, thanks.

It does seem cruel, because it was exactly what Reese feared: that he would be too ''dangerous'' to have a love life. It would have been sweet if he had been proven wrong, but this at least tells us that Reese knew himself well enough to keep distance from Jessica. Still tragic, but it says a lot about him as a

I'm afraid of the ''You'll die a hero'' line said to Fusco in this episode, though! There was more talk about him being a hero in episode 2, and I suspect that that's how they plan on ending his character. The one man that will be buried under his own name.

I was really hoping he had a grenade hidden in his suit somewhere.

That was Varys' argument as well. Bloody fanatics: when their magic spells work, it's the will of their God, and when they don't, well, it's the will of their God. Melisandre got two out of three, so she must be feeling great.

It does seem odd. If Cersei is found guilty, then that would mean Tommen is not supposed to be King. Is the High Sparrow planning on taking over the Iron Throne as well?

I agree that some of these storylines - especially Arya's - would have benefitted from Bran's season 5 treatment. Skip the stuff we don't need to see and reveal what happened in between a year later. It worked well with The Hound, too.

I'm loving Ramsay this season. He hasn't appeared at all since killing Osha!

And never having been changed for the better by the Machine. She still considers people "bad code".

Great observations! I think you may be right.

(SPOILER 5x12!)

No, no, this way they could potentially spoil more than one death and we STILL wouldn't know who Negan killed!

That's what happened, right? No one is dead. After this stunt, it wouldn't surprise me if they killed off Aaron. Then they could talk about how much they loved Aaron in the three following episodes.

That's pretty much every character from Heroes! But my God, you're actually right about the writing and now I'm even more confused about the fact that I'm still watching.

Ah, I must have misremembered! I thought it was more something along the lines of her seeing him as unfit for any type of "serious" relationship. Thanks for correcting me! Season 4 is the only season of the show I haven't rewatched much of.

Definitely. I guess I liked Iris more as a concept than as a character. I'm not sure a relationship with Zoe would serve the same purpose (I think she actually said something like that herself I'm season 4), but they definitely were a better match.

I'm torn about it because I didn't think the actors had a lot of chemistry and the fact that Iris was falling in love with her client was weird, but… Story-wise, I thought it could turn into a real game changer for Reese's character. As I said, he would get a "fake identity" (which everyone else seemed to hate) and he

I wonder if that Governor Samaritan picked in season 4 will turn up again. Ugh, so much story potential and just two episodes left!

Actually, Reese still seemed to treat Lionel like crap at times this season, throwing insults at him and all that. It's like the producers want us to think of him as a fun punching bag, but he's turned into so much more these past years. I never really understood that.