Jim 108

It's such a great twist because the setup was that Logan finding out about the Machine would be a "dangerous" thing. I'm so happy that he did find out but decided to do good instead.

Finch's routine is what got Root killed. Okay, harsh, but it's kind of true. I totally get him converting to coffee after that mistake!

CBS actually forced the showrunners to keep doing the case of the week episodes.

The possibilities are endless. Ken Leung's character could team up with Nestor Carbonell's and Mark Pellegrino's for a LOST reunion. It wouldn't make sense at all, but it would be so great.

Greer just has to end up as the "Old God" being killed by the "New God" (Samaritan) from the story he told in his introduction. The horrible thing is, he truly doesn't care whether he lives or dies. I want to see him actually be scared for once.

I do hope that the deaths weren't spoiled by the trailer CBS released before the season started. There are still images in there that we haven't seen yet.

I enjoy that scene solely for the fact that they have that high pitched Morse code that I can still hear at my age. It's incredibly annoying, but also so cool.

Even worse than worse, they forced the creators to insert more case of the week episodes than they had originally planned. Well, the schedule might still beat that because there were still a few good ones in there.

Logan's return was brilliant because a) That's one more loose end tied up! (still wishing for Alistair Wesley) and b) they kind of set him up as a potential villain. The fact that he DID find out about the Machine like we feared, but off-screen, long ago and as an actual member of a new team is so great. I think many

It was touched upon before that, when Reese and Finch lost their first (?) POI in episode 1x08. Reese says "I always thought I'd end up buried in a place where nobody knew my name". The fact that they're both officially "dead" makes the whole "guardian angel" thing even sadder. That aspect sort of disappeared when

I think at first the idea was to open with a fire and/or ice theme. They did the White Walker scene in season 1. Season 2 was supposed to start with Stannis burning the idols but they moved the scenes around, robbing us of another great cold open. Then season 3 had the aftermath of the White Walker attack at the Fist

It used to be Tywin's armor, no? Pretty sure that's what he wore in season 1 when we first met him! It does look amazing.

First one that's not a season premiere? It's still special!

It kind of felt like a season 1 episode IMO. Must have been the red Lannister tents set up in the North, the giant armies and Jaime wearing his father's armor. And like you said, the establishing shots.

Really! That actually makes sense somehow. They created Samaritan before Arthur Claypool did! I did notice a surprising lack of on-screen explosions these past two episodes. It's noticeable when the always used to show that stuff that they suddenly cut to the actors' faces.

That would be really interesting! Targeting the President would definitely be something that would draw Samaritan out. Gives the show a nice epic feel near the end too, and it's great that they're following up on the scene from last season where Samaritan Kid wanted to talk to the President. I'm really, really hoping

The thing is, TV loves to kill people who are in a relationship. Root is dead because it affects Shaw (and not just that, because it served her own character as well). If Root hadn't been in this relationship, we probably wouldn't have known she was a lesbian. Which might be a problem of itself, but my point is that

The producers stated that the Machine is now essentially Root and will talk like her as well. I'm looking forward to that. I also loved that Samaritan has apparently decided on a voice as well.

That would have been cool, but it would also have been SO wrong for the Machine to decide it was a man at the exact moment Root died!

Did anyone else notice we got "emotional Elias theme" 10 seconds before he was actually killed? Seemed like such an odd editing choice. His death would have completely surprised me if it hadn't been for that.