Jim 108

That scene with Greer seemed like major foreshadowing. Finch working for Samaritan? Where would that idea even come from? I think Finch might end up teaching Samaritan new code. Or dying. Not sure on that one yet.

That scene was so chilling that I was actually confused that Harold hadn't figured out how his cover was blown. How would Shaw returning have anything to do with that anyway?

Natalie Dormer would have been an awesome Root, to be honest. She can definitely do crazy, badass and sweet. I know that's not what you meant, but now that image is stuck in my head.

While I do want to agree with that, apparently there are PLENTY of fans who hated this episode because Root happened to be in love with a woman and is now dead. I don't see the need to compare this show to others when Root's death was so clearly well done. It was a great tribute to her character (although IMHO, she

It's both! One is about the people on the Ajira plane (5x06) and yours is about the people on the boat (4x13). Ben Linus doesn't care about those irrelevant Redshirts!

Very meta. Reese had a similar line about it being ''time to wrap things up''.

They defnitely contrastes those storylines that way. Elias cared about his ''people'', which is why they were all loyal to him. Dominic saw them all as pawns, even ended up killing his friend.

He did this… thing with his jaw during that speech. So subtle, but so incredible. Michael Emerson puts thought into every word and every muscle and it's just thrilling to watch.

No, he did call her that a few times before!

Reese and Finch die, Fusco lives, Shaw continues to save the number's by following Root's orders… I like that idea!

"Who cares??"

Finch's theme, except not as playful as it used to be! That scene was perfect.

It was just a voice back then, and it sounded like a different voice actor too, so I'm not surprised you didn't remember! They usually tie reveals like that together by having the villain say a catchphrase (in this case "cleanliness is all", which I didn't remember either). They did that before with Dominic and Quinn

I'm missing Control, too. I hope she will be back, otherwise they might as well have shot her in the head at the end of season 4. But she will probably return, right?

Brought back in season 3, when Finch had the awkwardly badass "I'm the guy who's gonna catch you when you fall!" line before tazing someone.

I think you mean "everyone is relevant to someone". And I agree: the point of the show is that everyone has a part to play, somehow. I think we'll be seeing the return of some old Numbers in the final battle. They've mostly been mentioned so far ("It's so great that the doctor from 1x04 stitched you up again!) but now

No deaths, no boobs. Might as well skip this episode during rewatch.

Many times they actually move scenes around so very few episodes are actually directed by one person. That scene did feel tacked on, although I wouldn't know where it would fit if not at the end of an episode.

This was, in fact, the shortest episode of the show!

And now he STILL doesn't know. Thanks a lot, Brienne.