Jim 108

"He's so… Well… He's… What's the word…"
"Exactly! I was literally just about to say that!"

It would be awkward since Reese is covered in bullet holes. Then again, those girls probably would have thought that was part of the show.

Sean Bean's father, obviously! Although they apparently filled that hole in this episode.

If anything goes wrong… Bran Stark will be my constant. Oh wait, things might go wrong either way!

They seem to be taking the "whatever happened happened" approach LOST also used. Bran can't "change" what's already in the past, but he might end up being the cause of past events (leading to the present)… Which actually is different! It's a closed loop and not an alternate reality.

Was this the first episode outside of 4x09 not to feature King's Landing at all? It's interesting how the entire show keeps shifting around. King's Landing always used to be the center of drama. Now we haven't even seen the Iron Throne since season 4! It's all about the North now.

It's weird how he started wearing a Stark uniform in the previous episode and there was no mention of it at all.

We get boobs on TV as early as 7PM in Holland. Graphic violence, not so much.

"Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains… All that." was another great example.

Well, it is still possible that Jon's murder happened a few weeks after the death of Myrcella since it happened at the end of the episode, but I'm not sure if that still holds for the bits with Sansa/Theon because I'm not sure what came first in the episode. But as you said, it's confusing so I'm no even going to

That makes sense. Although to be fair, the writers don't seem all that concerned about realism in that regard. Reese has been shot 15 times already! I'm looking forward to the final scene of the show, where he takes off his suit and it's revealed that his body is just filled with holes.

I can't believe I missed that! That's it, I'm never watching it on a laptop in a crowded room again.

The funny thing is that the Shaw episode might be the most self-contained episode of the entire show!

I expected Reese to invite him to the safehouse and reveal it all. Then he hung up, right after Fusco said "I'm not done with this yet!". It's almost funny how unfairly they're treating him at this point.

Well, Greer appeared halfway through season 2 and it's heavily implied that Decima was involved in Reese's flashback mission in China!

They wasted such a great opportunity when they had Nestor Carbonell and only gave him the role of a regular POI.

I was, too. It was great to see the team having to deal with another "unexpected" threat (Bruce)… For as long as that lasted. That was always the show's greatest strength; as much as I'm loving the Samaritan storyline, nothing beats the episodes like "Firewall" where several parties (in that case: HR, FBI, Corwin and

The Machine fails to understand the AI, while Samaritan fails to understand human nature. I like it.

I'm glad they've mostly gotten Root back to verbal sparring with Finch, which is what she does best. Last year she seemed like a Reese replacement in the fighting scenes. Caviezel wanted some time off, but it's obvious that they convinced him to return to the actiony stuff for this final season. It's so thrilling to

I don't know. "Does survivor's guilt pass…", "I'm not going to threaten to kill you", "That's not our purpose", "I could've been just like you", "We're outliers"… That episode still gets my vote!