Jim 108

McShane is coming! Oh wait, that movie didn't exist?

It seems like such a minor detail, but their age difference does hint at a completely different, untold story. Chuck must have been in his twenties when Jimmy stole from the counter. I think we can assume that Chuck never worked alongside his father and was never as close to him.

That's definitely what they were going for there. Same with the scene that opened the episode: Chuck's mother saying Jimmy's name before she dies. You can tell that Chuck was just done with her AND Jimmy after that, which is why he did them both the dishonor of not sharing her last words. He now resents Ernie for

Great point. I hadn't thought of that, but I think you're right! And if that means more screentime for Howard, I'm all for it. The McGill brothers might end up destroying each other's careers with this war. There's no way they will accept Chuck's con, but they're not going to want to trust Jimmy again either.

That mistake is actually the same one that he makes at the end of season 4. "I do this". Funny how they (presumably) tied that back to his meeting with Mike.

I'm sure he'll still end up dead some day.

What really bothers me is the Ruby could have prevented Auntie melting by simply admitting she was in love with Dorothy. But I guess her insecurity prevented that, which is actually in line with the character…

Jimmy will have to choose between confessing his crime or screwing his brother and acting like he's genuinely crazy. Either way, I think Kim will end up not liking him very much.

That depends. Is it worse to kill off a fan favorite or possibly MAYBE kill them but only secretly and, uh, I'll get back to you in six months.

I'm not sure how different Mike is supposed to be on this show. He's mostly the same as he was on Breaking Bad, but then there's the scene where he pays drinks for everyone in the bar and… This. It seems like he's still a rookie, but in so many instances he seems to be so smart.

Wouldn't it be great if he somehow had to be kept alive by electronic equipment? There's so many great ways to go with this. I'll be sad to lose McKean, but he was never going to stick around forever and this would be the perfect ending for his character and the beginning of Jimmy's new arc.

Stannis' wife!

Didn't they skip that part entirely? I'm not sure how long that time jump was.

Not only is it the same diner, but Fran (Mike's admirer) appeared in that scene as well! Edit: someone beat me to it.

On the DVD, Gould says Chuck is so old-school that he's literally allergic to the 21st century. I hadn't considered that. Obviously it's more than just one thing.

How many times can we watch him pass out before it actually ends up killing him, though? I think he's dead, and it's exactly the right time.
Edit: Or will be, next week.

Maybe that's what people don't like about it. It is a show that makes you wonder "what the heck am I watching" half the time, until things are made clear by the end of the scene or episode. The copying montage from last week would be an example of that - looking back, it's obvious why that scene would take up so much

The door is open!… As always. Oh, hi Howard!

Jimmy never would have sabotaged his brother if he hadn't betrayed him. He was always slippery, but Chuck just made it worse by thinking he couldn't BE better.

Sex Robot voice disagrees.