Jim 108

To make it more confusing: it's what Alexandre Desplat did back when he scored the last two Harry Potter movies! Part of me hopes that we won't hear the Harry Potter theme in this movie, though. I'm not sure that would make sense.

Glad we can agree. :) Of course I want to know, but the impact of a major death is just gone for me personally now. I would have been fine with the episode ending with the group surrounded or seeing Negan for the first time, but it went on and on until the moment he kills someone… And they didn't show that part. That

No, I said they won't care when we find out. Because it will be October by then, and all the tension and suspense they actually achieved to build up will be gone. I was on the edge of my seat, but that's because I thought the episode would end with a death. I don't want the first shot of the season premiere to be a

They kind of achieved both now. Someone's dead, and no one cares when we find out who.

It's too bad for new viewers because IMO he's really at his worst in the very first scene. He's absolutely spectacular now.

It actually seemed like they toned it down a LOT this season. There used to be about four or five of those lines in every episode.

They showed that Jimmy is an actor in the first two episodes of the show (FBI agent with Tuco, "It's showtime, folks!", his girly voice when he picks up the phone)… So I don't think it would be a cheat if Saul just turns out to be another one of his "roles". I think it's a little bit of both, because there's obviously

I don't think they mentioned it, but at least it should be more than the 15,000 Kim owed because Jimmy said he'd pay for that. Right?

It was actually kind of awkward because he ALWAYS gets asked that question. I'm not sure he actually enjoys it. On the other hand, he did joke about it himself during a LOST special, where he pretended to be putting on mascara in front of a mirror before coming up on stage.

Made me laugh as well. I did like the single tear coming from behind the mask.

She had to get shot in the eye herself to realize how skilled you have to be to save someone from that. It's quite poetic, actually!

Even before that: when they revealed that the Hilltop Group has a doctor.

"Wait, isn't that MY arrow? Whoo!"

You should search for "Michael Emerson's situation" on YouTube. You'll enjoy it!

This is your second genius comment on this article.

It's always astonishing to me how similar those two shows are when you look at them like that. Season 1 is the procedural season, with backstory mixed in that doesn't really get relevant until halfway through season 2 (which is exactly why these shows are so awesome). Then it peaks at season 3, and season 4 is when

That was hilarious. And you're right, I noticed during my rewatch of this episode that Chuck does it too. Gesualdo, Ernesto, Kim, etc…

Two other observations:
- Chuck mentions his father knowing the names of everyone in town as an example of his goodness. Jimmy says he memorized all the names at HHM in the first scene. I never realized, but Jimmy really does call everyone by their first names.

That's how I recognized him when he was still out of focus in this episode. He has a very distinctive walk.

It still was an aspect of her character. She said herself repeatedly that she's "the b*tch mom who doesn't give her son what she wants". We were supposed to think that she was being treated unfairly, but the show still acknowledged the fact that people actually would see her that way - spoiling all the fun for our