Jim 108

He's better at non-verbal communication than R2D2. You'll love him.

That moment when the opening scene changed to the Stormtrooper's (Finn) perspective was the thing that really got me excited. Obviously I knew about that from the trailer, but it was something Star Wars hadn't really done before. While the ending was similar to ep IV, there was plenty of stuff that had not been

Have you seen it? I didn't think the callbacks were annoying at all. The problem the reviewer is talking about is mostly that the plot is similar to previous movies, especially near the end. I did get the feeling that I had seen some of it before, but there's plenty of new stuff to enjoy like the new characters, who

2% of the world's population disappears (so basically everyone knows SOMEONE who just suddenly vanished with no trace) and the show picks up three years later, when weird cults have emerged and the main characters are all dealing with their loss and the fact that they won't ever find out the reason for the

You have NO IDEA how badly the show drove off a cliff if you haven't seen the final season.

She also did (gasp) Dexter. But in the good years.

"He's good at this!"

Daughter boobs!

Nah, they introduced Hannah McKay before that.

There's a deleted scene on the season 3 DVD (and/or YouTube, I think) with Carter that felt like the proper send off that he never really received in the final cut. I agree that they could and should have done more with that character.

They wrote Tricia Tanaka Is Dead, didn't they? That episode is awesome.

Isn't that the only reason to keep the Dwarves around anyway? To test what happens if you push one of them across the town border?

Seems like this episode was all about setting Belle aside and not involving her in anything. Was she the only one in Storybrooke who wasn't marked for imminent death? I guess she could take care of the babies while the others run off into another world.

But what was Megan's mother going to say before she died?!

"That bar looks exactly like the bar on the Banana Joe's website."
"I think this guy may have visited Banana Joe's."
"Does that mean…"
"I think Allison might be a double agent."

There are miracles in Miracle. Kevin survived just like the birds did.

Hannibal was even worse in that department, because all the characters knew he was alive and just stopped talking about him in present tense.

You mean like an episode titled "All About Allison"? That could be interesting!

The episode after that one is a flashback, so you'll understand more about the Guilty Remnant without them actually being present in the episode!

Don't forget the mystery pie!