Jim 108

It would bring the story full circle though because back then, it was Maggie who risked her life.

Did they recast bratty teen? Someone had to point out to me that he looked different.

Did she really say she couldn't picture Glenn?? I thought she was just talking about the picture she burned last season.

If you count the gambling scene as a mystery, I'm afraid you're not going to like season 2 much either.

Plus the Oceanic plan flying over Pinocchio, Ajira Airways, Exposé, Mr. Clucks…

Damon Lindelof doing a commercial for Exposé was easily the highlight of this show.

Joshua Jackson has had a baby with an alternate universe version of his girlfriend before. This isn't that far off!

Ha, we watch the same shows! Except I'm not sure I would actually call this season of OUAT good; I only watch it because my girlfriend likes it. ;) I do think it's a very fun show, but the story isn't making a lot of sense to me.

Not until we've seen Noah's side of the story. I'm not so sure (yet!) that the book is about Alison and him.

She stole his axe!!

I think they are doing it on purpose, since Regina (in many ways the voice of the audience) calls him out on it quite often.

I still don't understand how or why he's even on this show. He just showed up all of a sudden, or did I miss something?

Bicycle girl was completely nude!

You're forgetting that grandma's husband is a famous writer, and they never wanted attention from the press.

I'm afraid that "consequences of having an affair" is the premise of the show. It's interesting enough to me so far because season 1 explored in depth why these two characters would leave their spouses for someone else. And it doesn't seem to be completely bad - obviously it does at the moment because they just found

It made sense to me, even if it's somewhat forced. If life pays for life for magic reasons, I can imagine that four lives would throw the whole thing off balance. I dunno.

It was used to symbolize hope on Fringe, when Walter Bishop found a CD in a post-apocalyptic world rules by advanced humans who were no langer able to appreciate music!

Hold on, he said "smart and (f-ing) stupid"!

Well, the number sequence and Smoke Monster both turned out to be characters, so there's that. They gave pretty definitive answers to those mysteries. I actually enjoyed the fact that they always seemed to turn a "what" question into a "who" (like "What's inside the hatch??". Season six sucked in many ways, but

They hinted heavily at the idea that the people who disappeared had been "wished away" by the leftovers in last season's flashback episode. Like it was some cruel, cosmic joke trying to tell them "you weren't happy with these people? Well, now they're gone!". If that's what the characters think happened, that's a