Jim 108

They made it work on LOST. Sort of. Merlin is clearly the Jacob of this show (although I thought Isaac would have that role last season).

The best thing about this show is the fact that all the actors involved so clearly LOVE portraying their characters. Rebecca Mader especially was a lot of fun to watch in this episode.

The Event? They could do a crossover!

I don't exactly know how the voting works, but if all they saw were the last three episodes of the season, I could get behind it. The rest of it was definitely not as good as earlier seasons.

It still frustrates me that that episode was all about a case with no logical answer. The guy's tongue and eyes would just blow up for no reason. And it's not even the goriest episode of the show!

Person Of Interest is VERY similar to Fringe in that regard. The first season is good, but mostly procedural stuff with background story that will become relevant later on, then the mythology just keeps on expanding up to an amazing third season and a less good (but still awesome) fourth season where the procedural

The patient in the Pilot episode was called Adler, which (if I recall correctly) turned out to be a fake name made up by Wilson.

One episode that did always stick out to me was "The Social Contract" (I think that's what it was called!) from season 5, with a patient that was unable to tell a friendly lie (he made remarks about Taub's nose, for instance). That episode worked so well IMO, because they connected it to House in a refreshing way

House stopped being a fun character when "eccentric" turned into "childish". Halfway through the show House turned into someone who would wipe everything off your desk just to prove a point. He was always a jerk and he was always funny, but never childish or annoying just for the sake of it. That just got old fast.

The man who shot house was actually credited as "Moriarty". Also, the patient in the first episode was named "Adler"!

I would add the season 6 premiere to that list. It's so good and so different that it almost feels like a different show, but it stands alone and could even work as a sort of "House: The movie". I would recommend that episode even to people who have never seen the show, although it's obviously even better if you have.

Holy crap, you made me realize almost everyone in Holland has been saying it wrong all this time. It's commonly known here as "waar zijt gij" (where are you) instead of "Waarom zijt gij" (why are you).

In a few years, young Better Call Saul fans will complain that Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad is almost an exact copy of James McGill.

Wasn't she shown watching the video live with the rest of fsociety?

I think the important bit here is "and then they come back to life!".

"What you are "becoming" is… Pathological!" Bedelia was hilarious in this episode. I also loved that she basically called Will's idea dumb, but did so in her typical poetry-like way.

The stupidest thing about this: the cheerleader apparently died between the two shows (true story!).

"Is it bad to be made in China?"
"It is if you're dog food!"
Molly wasn't the only one with great lines in that room!

Thanks. I had listened to videos before where piano music was slowed down about ten times and it sounded a lot like that. That's why I thought to speed it up a bit (I guess I was curious about what would happen ;)). I'll check out that soundtrack you mentioned! This is the only show I know where there's music playing

Isn't it? :D Here's a link to a video I made to show it:
It's incredible how Reitzell made the music so fitting - haunting, beautiful and tragic at the same time - even though the melody existed already and was actually used as a "theme" for Hannibal before that episode.