Jim 108

Did you know it's a slowed down version of Bach's Goldberg Variations? When I found out about that, it became so much more awesome.

Person Of Interest is the rare type of network show that gets better as it goes on. Season 1 is mostly procedural stuff, but the backstory and flashbacks are very important for storylines that don't even start until season 3. The second half of season 2 is where things start to get really crazy and the Machine starts

Loved that the next flashback showed a porn star saying something along the lines of "Call me a dirty slut!"

They lay eggs!

The Temple mystery was strange. At one point, it was shown on a map, with a new Dharma logo attached to it.

That, and him imagining she picked the white dress herself because that would make her look the most beautiul. That was so well done.

The weirdest thing? Jaime mentioned this throne on the show.

But didn't they cut it off in that scene? That means one dick fewer (RIP Stannis).

The timing was very convenient though. Like Aemon being "sick" in that one episode where Jon chopped off Janos' head (though that bit did pay off and he died in the following episode)…

That "oohh yeah" look Pycelle gave was the worst. What a rat.

Isn't that what Game Of Thrones is doing?

I do think they're moving towards the endgame here. My theory is Melisandre lied to Stannis about what she saw in the flames; she actually said in season three that the war of five Kings was irrelevant. The real threat lies North of the Wall. With Stannis dead, the first war has officially ended (I guess Balon Greyjoy

They made a big deal out of it when Desmond lied to Charlie in "Catch-22". That's when Desmond almost allowed Charlie to die, but saved him nonetheless. He never actually saw Penny in his flashes (which we witnessed in that episode!), but saw the helicopter and the photo and assumed that's who it would be. Whether

But Desmond didn't interfere this time; Charlie died inside the Looking Glass like Desmond predicted. We know that the helicopter prediction is "new" because the outcome of the flashes changed every time.

You're right; compared to the bigger inconsistencies on the show, this is not really a big deal. It's just that it's something they could have easily avoided with a throwaway line; it is the reason for Charlie's sacrifice, after all.

The producers said they had teased his death so much with the flashes, they thought it would be a cheat if they didn't end up killing him for real. I don't think it had anything to do with the actor.

Then what was the whole flash forward thing in the next episode about?

I think the "baby brother" thing was part of the reason why Charlie never felt like he got the respect he thought he deserved. Charlie desperately wanted to be someone people looked up to, but they always looked up to Liam, Charlie himself included. It says a lot about their relationship, and it's part of the reason

The underwater station was just awesome, and such a satisfying answer to the cable mystery from season 1. It's one of those really out of place things that ends up making a lot of sense (at least in the show's universe). I also loved the Looking Glass set. You don't see sets like that very often on network television.

Sun found it, but she never gave it to Claire.