Jim 108

Questions: Why the heck did Claire and Aaron never actually board a helicopter?!

Outlaws - Do No Harm is my favorite stretch of episodes of this show. So many great character revelations in those flashbacks, great drama and mystery… I loved it.

Did you finish the first season of The Leftovers? I thought the last three episodes really made the whole season better in hindsight. The problem with the show is that the world seems so "foreign" and strange at first, and there's not really a character there to introduce it to the audience. Things get clearer as the

At least they used the church that hid the Dharma station that found the island! It still has SOME significance to the story. (Although I do agree, an airport would have made more sense)

Nor are the complaints about Jon Snow. The character bored me in the first four seasons; even during the battle at the Wall, I just didn't care what happened to the people there. Then Stannis arrived, which was awesome, and John became Lord Commander which was great. That whole storyline just became loads more

Good question, but I do think Winter comes more often than Walkers (since they hadn't been seen in thousands of years). Maybe they do have something to do with the Winters, though.

That's what I love about it. All this time, we're lead to think the "bad thing" they did to Danny was murdering him. Instead, he's talking about the way they treated him, which is something that became more and more apparent over time: none of this would have happened if they had just trusted Danny and treated him

It would have been awesome if they just randomly ran across Alison Janney, only for her to turn out to be Jacob's mother 25 episodes later. I would have loved it if they had changed the entire course of the story just by appearing in that time.

Sterling Beaumon was amazing on The Killing! He actually reminded me of the way Kevin Durand played Keamy.

Some other fun stuff to add to your great post:

I assumed Lancel Lannister was the "handsome, young man" Littlefinger offered to Olenna? Meaning they were responsible for his confessions about Cersei to the High Sparrow… Or am I just overthinking that bit? Why else would Lancel turn on Cersei now?

It did seem natural to me, although there was a significant turn around episode 10. I don't think Danny had this "master plan" to bring the hotel down with him if it ever came to that, like the Rayburns seem to think. I think Danny actually wanted to be part of the family, but he was treated as an outsider from the

There's definitely this idea that these people were all destined to end up with each other! Some other fun ones from the earlier seasons:

When you're done with the show, you should look up the lists of all the connections between characters. There are some really subtle ones. For instance, Sawyer once slept with the woman who announced Hurley's lottery numbers*, Eko investigated Claire's psychic, Sayid has met Kate's father, Sawyer met Kate's mother,

The countdown sequence in "One Of Them". Holy crap.

I think Jacob was the one who wanted the tailies kidnapped. Ben mentions to Jacob that he DID get lists from him, and never questioned them. But the lists he made for Michael in season 2 (for his surgery), and with Juliet this season (for the fertility issues) were his own idea.

Hurley's father was named David, too. I always thought Dave represented Hurley himself, or at least a part of him that was afraid to change. He appeared again on the island when the food arrived.

Jorge Garcia had a somewhat good role on Alcatraz. Now he's a regular on Hawaii Five-0, so he's back to living on Hawaii. I think he's fine with where he is, even if I would love to see him in other things!

The funny thing is Evie probably got that role in The Hobbit because she used to date Dom Monaghan.

Terry O'Quinn's as well. It seems every show he works on now gets cancelled. Matthew Fox's role in World War Z was just disgraceful. He could easily have carried the movie by himself, and he was reduced to a fricking extra.