Jim 108

It's a very interesting thing that the Others do; confronting the survivors with their past. They don't know (or don't believe) that the survivors were trying to start over on the island. In 3x15, Juliet told Kate that she couldn't be with Jack because she didn't know him like Juliet herself did. Because Juliet had

"I don't care what Jack said. They've got him and we've got to get him back, I OWE HIM THAT."

(SPOILER) It was for Michael and Frank Duckett, at least. LOST had so many variations on "death"; ghosts, hallucinations, dreams, "spirit guides", whispers, the Smoke Monster visions, the Smoke Monster inhabiting a dead body… :p

It's great that it turns out that she's been a strong woman all along, and that she's just as guilty in their relationship as Jin is. There's this great role reversal in the way we perceive those characters.


But I think Isaac said he couldn't change what already happened or something like that? Hence why he couldn't bring back Baelfire. Except they obviously did change the past, so… I don't get it.

Good point. I don't know, maybe Zelena's happy ending really is just the classic happily ever after. I think it's better not to think too much about the stuff that goes on on this show. It's fun, but it just works in "magic" for plot convenience.

It's a plot-hole. Get it?

That might be the way Norman thinks of her, yeah. Especially after he found out about the therapist (and he thought the same thing with the sheriff in season 1).

I'm pretty sure it says in Carbonell's contract that he gets to shoot at least one "big bad" at the end of every season. Bob was never going to make it out alive.

Zelena's happy ending is simply to take Regina's happy ending, which she accomplished by marrying a Robin Hood. Rumple's happy ending was him turning into a hero and being with Belle, because he used to be seen as a coward. Also, I'm pretty sure his father was afraid of Ogre's, so he kind of turned out better than his

Also the "Wookie prisoner gag", which was what Sawyer called that trick in "Not In Portland". I think there was another reference that I can't think of.

I loved Rumple's "good deeds come with no price!" line in this episode. Great little in-joke.

The use of Shambala was not a coincidence; it played a large part in an episode of LOST that was (I'm pretty sure) written by the producers of this show. The "Wookie prisoner gag" joke was also a reference to LOST as well as Star Wars.

I think they're actually playing a couple in a movie called Black Butterflies.

Even better: the team/writers DID seem to set up a counter-move, with all that stuff about Caleb, Claire, Harper, the briefcase, etc… They had all that, and Samaritan still won because no one understood its master plan.

That would have been awesome, and in line with his speech about the new Gods betraying the old Gods. Samaritan without Greer would be a very interesting, faceless threat.

So maybe we'll see Elias in prison again next year?

Loved that little role reversal between Reese and the Machine, where the Machine was doing what Reese told it to do. They're building a relationship!

It's "WE are being watched" now, which is even creepier!