Jim 108

I never understood why a statue with four toes would be more disquieting than a statue that only has one foot left.

Are we sure she's even really "alive"? I mean, so far we've only seen her with Norman, right?

The third (the one Shireen sang a while back) made an appearance in the score during her scene with Stannis!

I'm not a book reader, but I figured the black feather Sansa found at Lyanna's grave was supposed to be a clue?

It was actually playing Jon's theme instead of Theon's this time, which made it all the more awesome!

IIRC, there was a scene between him and Taub where they talked about depression and/or suicide a few episodes before… Wish I had remembered what they said. And there was the death cat that predicted his demise!

Me feeling sorry for Kenny Johnson is even more impressive when I remember he played the idiotic marshal in Dexter's final season.

They recast Emma's father! He was played by Professor Quirrel in season 1, which somehow made him seem a lot sweeter.

I too noticed the lack of Machine POV shots, and wondered why the flashbacks weren't depicted that way (with the whole "archive footage" thing). I hadn't connected that to the fact that this episode was mostly in Reese's mind! That should have clued me in.

But Greer was introduced in season 2, and his plan to defeat Finch's machine (the laptop in Ordos) was a plot point in season 1. I like to think they had Samaritan planned all along!

I thought it was odd that Root hadn't figured it out herself. Of course it was Pi!

If Finch had been ruthless, the Machine would have been exactly like Samaritan. Finch wants to win this fight without losing his humanity.

That's awesome! And terrible. Thanks!

Was he actually holding a shotgun while he said that? Because I thought he did and the dryness of that joke made me laugh that much harder. I'm not sure though.

I liked that the last shot lingered on the two stripes on the road, like saying "See ya in season 2!". That could be a fun trend.

I love the contrast with Jimmy. Mike knows exactly who he is and why does what he does. Jimmy himself is still desperately trying to figure it out. That, to me, is the best reason to have Mike play such a major role on this show.

I think he was simply pointing out just how DESPERATE Chuck must have been to stop Jimmy like that. He went through so much pain to betray him.

It always feels like the show cuts 20 minutes from every episode and never bothers to fill the gaps. I really didn't buy that people were sad about Noah, because we only saw him interact once with every character, if that. It worked in the first season, when it revealed that there was an untold backstory that

He did, actually! They showed Lori and Shane explaining it to him in season 2, when Carl found out his mother was pregnant.

Apparently, they improvised that bit!