Jim 108

I actually thought they were trying to make her look younger. Like, more around Norman's age.

The Big Bad Wolf still works at a diner, though. That's gotta count for something.

He did say the gun was for his dad, right? Right after Carol said she wanted it to protect herself.

Check out the credits in "House of the Rising Sun", during the trek to the caves. You'll have a laugh!

Sayid is still clever, he just didn't account for the Others' submarine. ;) At least, I assume that's how they did it.

I do agree with the review that the previous episode already revealed all that about the Others. The reason I like the Red Sox scene so much is because Jack's father used the Red Sox not winning as an excuse for "fate", and Jack never believed it. The scene was LOST's way of saying that either fate doesn't exist, or

The fun thing about the flashbacks is that Finch is probably the reason why she became so paranoid! She has/had no idea how he could have known about Nathan's death.

I think they did smell an upcoming herd in the episode with the fire truck, but I'm not sure.

Once Upon A Time, too! It has/had Emilie de Ravin, Jorge Garcia, Elizabeth Mitchell, Rebecca Mader, etc. in recurring roles. Naveen Andrews had a role on the spin-off show.

Hey, Fox had what, zero lines in World War Z?!

What's the one where he leaves Charizard? That one was painful as well.

Kutner's off-screen suicide was pretty devestating as well.

Still, you know people will complain about Mike's "nobody wants to leave home" line, which is obviously a not subtle enough reference to his eventual fate!

So that's why Maggie was dressed as Kate in this episode!

Cirion is right. The Machine's code was changed in the finale, which is why it now sends relevant numbers to Finch and is able to talk to Root. It's made plans lately that would require it to think ahead more than a day, like giving the number of the Congressman and (presumably) telling Root to stop looking for Shaw.

I was agreeing with you! :) I love that this show is similar to Breaking Bad in some ways, but still so very different. The themes of money, greed and temptation are still there, but it's telling a different story.

I'm sad that no one's mentioned the fact that this whole thing started with someone not taking a buyout. Walt made a completely different decision for different reasons.

He does have two (or more), just not for this show! I suppose that says all about the Emmy's. He hasn't been nominated since the finale of LOST.

That slight head tilt when he said that line!

Greer's first scene, with his speech about the New Gods killing the Old Gods pretty much foreshadows his fate, IMO.