Jim 108

They weren't going for Control. They wanted the Samaritan mole's phone. As Finch said, they were expecting government agents to pick Control up.

It really happened. The simulation was over. Whether she's still alive or not is another question…

I'd add Get Carter to that list. And warn the OP that the show may seem like a procedural at first, but that that's only in the first season. Every episode is made relevant somehow, even if it's just in a subplot about a larger story arc or a character flashback. It's a good list, but if you really want to enjoy the

Reese hinted that it wasn't simply an accident; the man was likely killed because of Samaritan's actions. That's what Fusco didn't know about that case.

Also gotta love the fact that he's "killing" Ana-Lucia while saying that line.

I'm not so sure Shannon knows who she is. She only THINKS that she's what Boone says she is; useless and dumb. She actually seems really insecure at times, and Boone just reinforces that by saying she's not doing anything to help the group. That, to me, seems like the biggest reason why she just sits on the beach all

Actually, he later says to Sawyer that he was at the hatch, screaming and pounding. He didn't want to go there because he (in his words) ''needed that pain to get to where I am now''.

We heard it before on piano at the end of White Rabbit. :) That version is called ''Win One For The Reaper''.

I agree for the most part, but I think it's worth noting that Sawyer's three years with Juliet were quiet and peaceful, while his short time with Kate was all about surviving together and going on deadly adventures. That time would probably have had more of an emotional impact on him, so when Kate returned to the

He's not, but the "box company in Tustin" mentioned in that scene (the one Hurley owns) is the one Locke works at in Walkabout!

From episode 2x18, "Dave": "There were 23 people on that deck, it was built to hold 8"

That scene always makes me wish Shannon and Jack had more of a relationship on the island. They were barely ever shown together, but he's in a way responsible for the way Shannon had become over the years. It would have been interesting if we had seen more of that.

I'd agree about the "security system". That's just lame. But the Sickness was explained pretty well. The Smoke Monster infected Rousseau's husband after it killed him. Rousseau noticed he was ''different'', and was proven right when her husband tried to kill her. The same thing happened to Claire and Sayid in season

Rousseau's husband, infected by the Smoke Monster (likely after he was KILLED by the Smoke Monster) told Rousseau that the monster was a security system guarding the Temple (5x05 This Place Is Death). So that explains that.

I loved the shot where they just showed Norma's cooking apron, then revealed the person baking an egg to be Norman. It always starts with aprons.
It seems to me that it's the "Mother" part of Norman's brain that killed Ms Watson. She appeared to him as a hallucination telling him "You know what you have to do" before