
This game developer is going to lose a lot of profits... not putting this on the PS4 or PS5.  Whatever....

Too much political crap on this game website. But since you asked....

One thing I’ve noticed about Japan, this website and it’s gaming folk... they are really weird what they play and how they act....

So I guess the MOVE controller technology is now dead? That’s a shame... the few games on the PS4 that used the MOVE correctly... was a blast to play. I hate SONY’s old toy hand controller... (no matter how new and pretty it is)... with a passion.

SCREW this political crap on a gaming website. This writer has no idea what he is talking about and it shows. Yeah... he hates Trump. WHO CARES! Go play with your Wang and write some real game articles!

Stupid article.... very liberal and childish.

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It’s The Video Games Fault, Not My Bad Parenting!

A Must see video:

One word... HOLLYWOOD!

Look at all the Hollywood movies and TV DVD cases or Ad posters… where it’s lead actor has a gun pointed between your eyes! So… “Put in the latest RAMBO movie in the player! Make some popcorn and we’ll watch the blood splatter everywhere!!!” We don’t need no Video Games to get our violence fix!


Let’s get real... kotaku

What a joke this game is.  Still only works on the PS3.  I guess there’s no money to make on the PS4 platform. Maybe on the PS5... I doubt it.

ArmA would have been a knock out success if it was also put on the PS4 and xBox. The Battlefield and CoD games would have taken a back seat to ArmA for large PS4 online war Clans looking for a great modern war game, competitive, tactical, strategy based, Teamwork game for the everyday Clan war gamer shooter. PC games

Zombies? Good Lord.... come up with something original please. The zombies thing died out like 15 to 20 years ago. I won’t even look at a new game with zombies anymore!!

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If GOOGLE’s Stadia gaming platform is successful.... no one will need a PS5... or an xBox(*Whatever#) or a PC... to play the future games of 2020. I have no plans to buy a new PS5 as of now. Stadia may be my new gaming world. See for yourself.:

What a waste of time and development money to make this BFV trash.

Without great Clan Support and User Private Custom Servers for private Clan Wars and competitions... my large Clan won’t bother with this game. We think the glory days of Battlefield... if there ever was one..... are over.

These are some great ideas.... to steal everything you can get your hands on. Lets take this idea to the next level.... shall we?

“No reason was given behind the cancellation, though EA’s recent struggles with fans may be to blame.”

No surprise here.... Hobby Model railroaders have been doing this for many decades now. Just check them out on Google.

WOW! What a great make over! Lucky lady. If her make over makes her happy... go for it!!