Jim Topoleski

@philibuster: Read further. While the execs are getting the biggest cut, EVERYONE is getting some nasty cuts.

@theChineyz: trust me they are 1000% worse. Here at least a large number of people understand the variables involved, there they just spout nonsense.

Ugh that just sucks. You work your entire life being loyal to a company and get royally screwed once you retired because a bunch of pencilnecks making 10 times how much you made (and way more than they SHOULD have been making) cant figure out how to properly DO THEIR JOB.

@Ty Snouffer: Maybe you, but it was limited to 1ghz machines, which meant no G3s and a lot of G4s where blocked from Leopard.

I am greatly disturbed by Lifehackers summery up there. Its not even CLOSE to explaining the difference we as developers have seen to the OS, and only explains some minor interface enhancements.

@zmnatz: Well considering G5s are legacy support now, its not surprising. Its been over 3 years since they even made G5 machines.

@balls187: support but not full integration.

@RoFLKOPTr: um you on crack? there are some MAJOR fundamental changes between Leopard and Snow Leopard.

@slip: /sigh we get on this to the point I feel like I have to make a chart, but anyway

@G-Ram caved and started twitter :/: yep Philly has it too, my friends who moved out there used to use them all the time when they needed to get out of Philly metro, or go to obscure areas of town where they needed to lug something back to their apartment.

@Jim Topoleski: and might I add.... I HATE Japanese cars, and even that would not stop me here.

Thats TOTALLY nice price. I have seen shit from that era in much worse shape pull in more.

@virtualmark: I think you are a little confused here.

@apathyfades: What they said, the Sky is a Kappa and the whole Kappa line (GT Sky Solstice are going byebye this year as is the plant and all the people who worked there.

@Ed_NYC: um the Post office was NEVER run by the Government like you think it was.

@jodark: you do realize we have not had a capitalistic society in 80 years right?

@sciontc: well a simple once over of Wikipedia will give you a overview of just about EVERYTHING as of late, controversial and good, and despite everyones love of hate toward Amtrak, as of the last couple of years there really has been nothing bad out of them.

@Triborough: I really wish people would stop saying shit like that.

@Triborough: Fuck you. I am sorry but I could actually be making MORE money elsewhere than for the Government. I work for the Government because its something my family has always done going back to the 1920's.