Jim Topoleski

@elchimpo: You mean efficiently without paying their executives stupidly insane amounts of money for doing less work than their employees?

@Hello Mister Walrus: I was wondering that too. Isnt the Accord like one of the most stolen cars in the US many years running now?

@RagtagOperation: actually there is a form of dyslexia where you mix up the words not the letters.

@spuy767: No, they dont have ANY Kappa tooling. ITS GONE. Deal with it, they just laid off every single person who made the car, NO ONE is left and only one plant in the entire world made all three cars, so no they have no more tooling elsewhere.

@asaturn: Um no, the three cars where Saturns best selling as of late.

@How Wankelin' Got His Sig Back: Thus why GM wont let them sell them here, because the Opels, with PROPER marketing (of which GM did none for Saturn) would sell the pants off of GMs traditional divisions.

@spuy767: Um no the Kappa is DEAD and was dead even before whats been going on. The plant is being shut down and ALL of GMs Kappa's discontinued.

@Bullitt417: GM specifically banned Magna from bidding on Saturn to prevent themselves from going up against a GM vehicle thats well built (while not hot sellers here, and there are many theories why that all point to GM specifically trying to kill Saturn, the Opels are vastly superior to anything GM US puts out)

@jaymcminn: He's not selling French Renaults, but the better styled and build Korean ones that just use Renaults name and licensing.

@SCROGGS!!: Nope, Magna is banned from bringing Opels to the US via their sell contract with GM.

@baldy_pm * Tinfoil Hat now standard equipment: You just don't get it. There will BE no recovery if the government doesn't step in. If GM had been allowed to die in a uncontrolled instantaneous way, the whole country would be right back to 1929. Hello 2nd depression and hello Communist China owned US.

@despisethesun: If you are going for a hatch get a Astra. They can be had for much cheaper than they where going for and while a little less roomy than a FIT, and not nearly as speedy as one, you can actually corner with it and not feel like the car is going to roll over on its roof like the FIT always feels like its

I just hope people realize that the bailout wasn't wasted on this.

@Erebus1954: The Miata also came out almost a decade after the end of US production dude. Your comparing a 1989 car to a car that was first BUILT in the 60's and lasted to 81 in the US.

@Murilee Martin: EVERYTHING outperformed the standard model. But I would take a MGB over a butt ugly Civic POS any day, Lucas electrics and all.

Im positive its the sensors. My Aura XR has almost 2 oz of weight on each wheel thanks to it.

@smalleyxb122: First of all you are a idiot since you dont even know in what direction the badge engineering went (here is a clue, the GT was a badge engineer of the SATURN not the other way around and both where a engineer of the Pontiac).