Jim Teller

Exactly. What amazes me in a twisted way is how Trump hasn’t even touched the story, when typically it takes way, way, way less for him to go after someone, especially someone he’s up against in an election. It’s as if he’s literally incapable of siding with or defending a woman in these circumstances, ever.

Or maybe the Dems will come to their senses before nominating a senile rapist to get crushed in a landslide by Trump.

Biden is a known sex pest who has no problem treating women like shit (just ask Anita Hill). I think it's extremely likely the accusations are true.

Liberals are throwing the “why now” attack at Tara. Which is the EXACT thing slung at Dr. Ford.

Seen a lot of people ignoring this. Kudos for writing about it. Tara deserves to be heard.

Rich, I really wish you’d change your lane and just stop reporting on “reality” shows. Meaningless trash-TV such as the Masked Singer / Dr. Pimple Popper is boring and fine. I’m sure other people out there enjoy the escapism.

However, when it comes to the Mama Junes, Duggars, OctoMoms, Gosselins blah blah blah we are

Thats a terrible analogy.

You cant (legally, but also morally shouldnt) force someone to donate blood, to save the lives of living sentient humans.

“...I also have a problem with the specifics of elective late-term abortion. At a certain point, why not just carry the baby to term? “

Because it’s your body, your life, and you want to.

So long as society is setting arbitrary and unscientific rules for who can obtain an abortion and when, there will always be people trying to move that line one way or another. We need to stop legislating people’s bodies and reproductive choices, full stop.

Never mind

Very interesting and thought provoking. It does seem like much of the pro-choice / abortion arguments are about the need for it in regards to rape / incest / health issues. And even then, they seem like failing arguments, given what’s going on in many state legislatures.

Well, you’ve certainly given me new-found enthusiasm for advocating free abortion on demand as an absolute right, so thanks for that. It seems like you’re at least trying to be even-handed and thoughtful here, and this all sure sounds nice in the abstract. (Why can’t we just BALANCE the rights of the fetus and the

As an abortion rights absolutist (I support that blank piece of paper), I’m excited to see this book exists and is being promoted here. When I’ve made comments here supporting abortion on demand, people think I’m trolling. It sucks being treated like a cartoon villain invented by Republicans (e.g. “no pro-choice

That sounds so improbably disgusting I just can’t wrap my head around it. I don’t get how people consume tomato juice.

Legitimate question after reading this article and several others. All the articles indicate the students were “unaware their college admissions were premised on a bribe.” Okay, fine. But as a 17 or 18 year old, wouldn’t you be aware that it is unusual that someone is in the testing room with you giving you help and

I feel like there was a missed opportunity to have Catherine Keener end up with Maya Rudolph, or at least have something sexual happen? Their relationship was done away with a bit too easily, after all that chemistry. 

Thank you! I don’t even like Cortez much but I totally agree that the “well, actually...” followed by demonizing him when the body is barely cold is in bad taste. I know people have trouble hearing all of McCain’s good qualities lauded, but he was a mixed bag on both a personal and professional level. The fact that

Politics is bad, twitter is poison, put them together and you see the worst of people. Progressive, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, doesn’t matter people are blinded by politics and twitters anonymity brings out the worse in them. Thank you for being a sane and decent person.

Yay, I found a sane person!

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with