Jim Teller

If he says daddy too many times, will they start to doubting him?


Thanks, Doctor S

blue & brass, obvi

please don’t say that, they’re vaccinated

please no deadly babies

it’s like I only eat soup but I don’t eat soup

Big Mouth Billy Bass are Cher’s Malibu mansion’s security system <3


I live in the neigbhrohood, it’s felt safer

Looking evil af in that pic, beb

HaHaa! She doesn’t need a belt

The pant is dope af

God knows he needs the attention *sniff* *snuff* *sniff*

Yuck even my needy baby does it less

I would bum her a square after this interview, coming outside still on fire yas

a simple-minded piece of shit

Fingerling, here

Thank you for reporting <3