
thanks! i just aim to keep iphone/ipad, internet, and viewing bills combined below $200pm (and commercial free). and since i signed up for showtime (to watch billions!?), i also got homeland which i’d never have watched and enjoy, shameless also, plus great documentary on the band the national. also other movies and

i’m a la carte and i have more than enough content to occupy my time. my main goals are no binding contracts, no ads, and, having wifi at home, and being able to binge. i pay avg $80.45.

Hi falterego and Thorin,

You should probably say this is not a standalone photo editing product. You need some version of Adobe Photoshop first.

Thanks, I will let my friend know.

I feel your pain.

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Yep, have this small one and a 12000mAh version. The small one is just the right size.

Yep, have this small one and a 12000mAh version. The small one is just the right size.

Yeah- buying organic things are usually pretty even at WF vs my normal grocery store, and the WF has a better turnover on the product so it’s fresher usually. They’re also my winter fresh produce supplier when canned/frozen won’t cut it, not because they’re cheaper, but because it’s actually WAY better than normal

Agreed. I saw that and immediately thought it was pretty poor judgement on Google’s part to have such obvious bias. Since this feature is obviously new and manually created for the presidential candidates, you can bet that they manually chose from a selection of images for which one became the lead image.

There isn’t a professional tech shop in the world that uses FTP for software deployment.

But Eric, nobody has to get slapped in the face because *everyone* gets slapped in the wallet.

Much better analogy:

You go to a restaurant. They have a normal menu, with normal entrees, at normal prices. They also have four selections that are all-you-can-eat.

You can have all the seasoned fries you want, sure, but you can still get a shrimp platter if that’s what you’re craving.

I don’t get the logic of slamming sponsored data—it is a billing arrangement, fer chrissakes. It is like saying 800 numbers (sponsored minutes for telecom, right?) are a scourge because companies with 800 numbers will do better with consumers because consumers don’t have to pay to get to them. Absurd.

I agree.

No evidence they make less for the same jobs in the same situations. In fact, single unmarried women make MORE than men.

That’s exactly what happens! A friend purchases and sets up some such streaming thingy and they tell the rest of us tech-tards how to do it to our teevees. I don’t know about the others but Chromecast comes with a phone number so a tech person can also walk us through the set up and remind us that the device needs to

exactly. just look at Amazon Customer reviews on products, they aren’t often the sharpest tools in the shed.

Right, I mean everyone knows that the surefire way to sustainably grow an economy is to give mortgages to people who can’t afford them, as recent history clearly showed us. Oh, wait...

It’s like deja vu all over again.