
It’s pretty bad these days. I have to update my electric kettle every other week. Else the water won’t boil.

Thank god. Hey fatties! You’ve been deemed fuckable by this lady and therefore a person of worth! Congratulations!

To be fair, I point out that other tablets have had this for a while. The iPad hasn’t and, like it or not, is still the most popular selling of them all.

Hahaha, “Siri, help me make a fire.” iPhone explodes.

I have always had a fantasy where some tool like yourself is run over by a bus.

I hate to be That Guy but Apple’s Airport line of routers have always been configured via computer/tablet/phone app. It’s been available for years on Windows, Mac and iPhone (no Android app though AFAIK). I have used Airport Extreme routers for quite some time and I’m very pleased with them.

I hate to be That Guy but Apple’s Airport line of routers have always been configured via computer/tablet/phone app.

That’s exactly what I was thinking - hack the button and then and use a custom script to prompt it to order something other than what the it was initially designed for.

Please let us know what company you work for, so we can short it.

Jim: you’re the kind of person every gay person needs. When friends found out I was gay, most were pretty nonchalant (who cares who you are dating, is he a decent person). A few (2) never talked to me again, well its been 31 years so I can’t say never, they might grow up (no real loss anyway.) I personally came out to

Yes, works in Seattle area too. Incredible it is.

Yup, the shipping incentives have done their job. Amazon is the first place I look now for things even if I don’t need them absolutely immediately, whereas before I would check sites like Newegg for PC parts, Zappos for shoes, etc. Even when I end up finding what I need for a bit cheaper at the other places,

I wish I had that option. Living in San Diego, I only have the option for a $3.99 charge for next day delivery, but you know what, $4 for next day on basically any order is still a damn fine deal.

Check out Amazon Prime Now. It’s free delivery (suggested tip) in most parts of Manhattan, and parts of Bk. It’s insanely cheap and very diverse. I get everything from shaving cream and granola, to rubber bands and hot sauce on there for less than IRL stores charge (sometimes by like 50%). They’ll deliver same day in

We just got it in Atlanta. Several items on an order I placed were available for Same Day and I got them by the evening. I didn’t need them that fast, but it was nice.

This is the greatest thing ever. Did this yesterday. Amazing.

Yep! My buddy ordered something yesterday and got it in the afternoon here in LA. So crazy... next step is one hour drone delivery.

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

Yeah! How dare women who weigh less than you want to lose weight for whatever reason! They make me sick too.