
The other side of this is that sometimes you have to be the one to pull the rug out from under the other person. Equally traumatic, equally painful, equally necessary.

As a bonus, you often have fantastic brainstorms in the shower. Easily the most underrated place for thinking (and most overrated for sex).

If I’m alone on this I’ll gladly eat crow, but it seems odd to number the picture and then list the items in out-of-order bullet points.

That's quite remarkable. She's been dead for 25 years. You're even more of a sick fuck than I thought.

Here's the best idea: Jackasses like you can keep this kind of nonsense to yourself.


The non-profit jack assess hell bent on trying to release a cheap computer anyone can afford around the world? I'm sure they didn't know this was going to happen.

Ummm... Pretty much any unshielded, dense, integrated circuit using certain metals could have similar problems. And because parts of this are performing logic, you get a crash. Because physics.

To be fair, you're commenting on a post about the guy dying for not doing what he was told. Relatively speaking, I'd say he was "ok" the first time.. right?

How else can you make fun of it?.. it is a Joke as I posted earlier as no one can take this seriously... We are equating to look Intelligent by means of Vanity in being the same as actually equal to of the Intelligent.

and none of my words were big as you can clearly see I'm using the same font size as you...

Interesting to note that none of the things in the center have to do with opening your mouth and saying anything.

Agloves. Silver thread throughout. Incredibly responsive, thin and light but still warm enough to keep your finders from falling off in the new arctic annex that is the Midwest.

Agloves. Silver thread throughout. Incredibly responsive, thin and light but still warm enough to keep your finders

I simply say "thank you" and move about my day. No need to be rude to others who are just trying to be friendly.

*sigh* just more open hostility towards us Gamers. I wish we were treated with more respect by developers whose things we take/copy without paying.

No, not every activity does - and it shouldn't. Yeah, some parties don't need to include the kids. However New Years isn't one of them (in my never humble opinion). It is a world celebration - include the kids.

Or completely mess with the drunks at 10:30.

Always assume that the code you are writing now, you will personally find offensive 2-3 years down the road and wonder how you could write such crap.

Never. What I do find strange is when people ask me if I celebrate Christmas before wishing me a "Merry Christmas." It's like they are both asking me if I'm Christian and if I take offense easily.

I think Hell just froze over. Lifehacker is encouraging us to troll.