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    It could in 2014 and it didn’t. My proof is historical. What is yours?

    Ah yes I remember telling all my buddies about this newfangled Internet in 2014 and they looked at me like I was crazy! But look at them all now, just 3 years later, with their smartphones and Personal Computers.

    What’s at the end of space?

    To be fair, I don’t find that any harder to wrap my head around than the idea that we are surrounded by infinite space.

    Wouldn’t it be a LOT cheaper and safer to just send a camera?

    Haha I agree - pointless endeavor I suppose.

    Gizmodo and friends routinely refer to the President as “cheeto dusted” and take various jabs at his appearance. They even go after his 11 year old son. Do you come to their defense? Just curious.

    This issue isn’t new to iOS 11.1 or even iOS 11 as far as I know.

    I can’t imagine what your review of a door lock looks like.

    I was simply explaining why I objected to making this a gender/sexism issue. You really ran with that and made a lot of assumptions about me. You’re telling me that I’m some kind of asshole know-it-all hellbent on enlightening people that gets upset when people disagree with me. But then here you are, mansplaining

    Yes it does, because it frames the issue as one with a specific gender, when that’s not the case. Being male is not a defining characteristic of someone who is exhibiting characteristics that would qualify them as a “mansplainer.”

    Yup. And when we point out the hypocrisy, they tell us to stop complaining because apparently life favors white guys. I don’t know. I see an awful lot of homeless white guys. Certainly a lot more than homeless women of any race.

    Did you miss the part of the word that contains man?

    Manspreading is another one. I ride the NYC subway all the time. I sit in crowded coffee shops all the time. Do you know what I see more often than men taking up too much space with their legs? Women taking up one or more seats with their bags. And yet there is no city-wide campaign against ladybagging. Both behaviors

    Thank you!

    Well, actually... lolololol

    It’s funny because those biological differences are accepted as fact, but it’s sexist to discuss any female biological differences.

    That’s pretty much it

    I’ve seen women do it too. Are you suggesting that no women is ever in a position of power? Are you saying that a position of power is necessary to mansplain? Neither of those statements are true. If they were, then tweets from trolls wouldn’t be adequate examples of mansplaining.

    There is something wrong with it - it gives women who do it a free pass because the design of this word and the bias of those using it prevent it from being applied equally to women. Why can’t we just ban together against jerks of all genders instead of coupling it with other gripes that you and others have with men?