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    No, only men can be morons. Someone tell me again how modern feminism isn’t female supremacism.

    I totally agree that what is defined here as “mansplaining” exists and is extremely annoying, but I would not say that it is isolated to men only. On average, I would agree that men are move overconfident than women, and so it would make perfect sense that there are more men mansplaining than women, but a defining

    Yes how insulting to call someone the leader of the free world. You got em so good.

    One of my favorite traditions is catching the “Dusk-To-Dawn” at the Northfield drive-in in Northfield, MA. Every Labor Day weekend they run a quadruple feature. It doesn’t quite run until dawn, but it’s a great time nonetheless.

    On the LIRR sometimes the train is too long and not every car will platform at shorter stations, so you could very well be on the wrong car. OP said subway cars though - I’ve never seen that scenario on the NYC subway, but also haven’t ridden the entire system.

    I can say it made my 6S feel quicker than the day I bought it, which may be a first - at least in my experience - for an iOS update. But as always, YMMV.

    You could shorten this article by removing some redundancy. For example:

    Here’s a free test: If you have the urge to reach for your rape drug test kit - ditch the drink and the guy. Listen to your gut.

    For those wondering if this applies to simply checking if you were compromised (likely all anyone has done today): I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think it does. Based on pastes of the terms that others have posted throughout the day, I think they have tweaked the verbiage a bit. This is how the first line of the

    Well there’s nothing else to say here. You present your argument, then simply pretend it never happened when I destroy it. There is no convincing you. You just keep pushing forward with your flawed logic and fabricated argument. You’d make a great politician. That isn’t a compliment.

    How does the evidence “strongly point” to that? It doesn’t. Common sense dictates that the people leaving their homes in the middle of the worst flooding disaster in the country’s history to take things from closed grocery stores are highly likely to be doing so because they need to, not because they want to.

    “I am saying that in a natural disaster, people stealing from closed grocery stores are highly likely to be doing so out of need”

    That’s a fine position to have. But in the middle of a natural disaster you can’t task police with determining dire necessity. That would be a court’s job anyway. And suspending the law, purge style, amidst a natural disaster deprives citizens of police when they need them most. So there really is no effective way to

    The post was about someone calling the cops on looters. You attacked people for agreeing that was the right move on the premise that it is morally just to steal in dire circumstances. You can walk it back all you want, but that is and was your position. If you are going to take that stance you’d need to prove that the

    No. Have the competence to recall your own positions. I’m not going to do that for you. I’ve spent enough time on you already. I thought you were an awful human before, but you’ve outdone yourself by keeping this going and refusing to back off of your absurd position.

    Are you still going? You went around and called people evil and a variety of other nasty things for having the audacity to support the law and question your assertion that these people were going to die if they didn’t loot these stores. Prove it or GTFO. You were sure enough to be extremely nasty to people for

    Haha you’re now going to deny your entire position because I’ve destroyed it. Nice. I realize that you’re keeping this going because you are not capable of admitting that your position was based on a fallacy. But I really hope that offline you’re reflecting on your position and how wrong you were to attack those who

    It is central - because the article - the thing we are discussing - is about someone calling the police on looters. Your position has been that that’s evil because the looters needed those things to survive. Of course, we now know that you have no proof of that whatsoever.

    Why do they have to knock on my door? Because otherwise how would I know they exist and are in need. If I’m home when they make known their need, they don’t have to take anything from me, I would gladly give it to them. If I’m not home, and for whatever reason my home is the only place they can obtain a necessity they