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    I’m wondering if it has to do with folks missing flights under circumstances that would entitle them to be rebooked at no cost to them. The most likely scenario here is a missed connection. I’d imagine many flights departing from a hub have some average percentage of connecting passengers, maybe often on the same

    Again - if the toppings cost less, the pizza would cost more. The lost margin on the toppings doesn’t just disappear if you reduce it - margins elsewhere need to be increased so that the business’s overall margins remain consistent.

    Overbooking is legal because your ticket doesn’t guarantee you a seat on that plane. Because you usually get on the plane that you booked makes people feel like that’s what their ticket is, but it’s not. It’s more of a promise to get you from point A to point B... eventually.

    I could go for a dip in a good loop pool right about now.

    If the toppings cost less, the pizza would cost more. For something to be made cheaper, something else needs to be made more expensive, to pay for the operation of the business, and yes, even some profit.

    WASD sells a Cherry MX sampler so you can try each switch type yourself. Any keyboard using Cherry MX keys will sound and feel the same, except for differences created by the keycap (which are comparatively minor).

    And yet, we have a ton of options for IUDs.

    Anything larger than a “smartphone” is banned on US-bound flights originating from a list of foreign airports. I’m assuming that unless DHS can implement new screening technology to screen for whatever threat they discovered, this ban will expand to cover all commercial flights eventually. Tablets would definitely be

    Just in time for the upcoming ban on laptops on commercial flights!

    I’m not raged, I literally lol every time you reply. There’s of course no way to prove this, but it’s true. If I were raged, I’d be arguing with you. I care so little about you, that engaging you is worthless to me. But much like I don’t care about your other opinions, I don’t care if you think I’m “raged” either.

    I said I’m not going to engage you. But I’ll sit here all day and watch as you keep responding, desperate for my attention lolol. Raged? You’re the one who’s been throwing the worlds longest adult temper tantrum. If you want to have conversations with adults, try putting on your big boy or girl pants first ;)

    I cannot believe that you are still so sad that I won’t engage you. I’m honestly flattered!

    It’s worth noting that the Reserve increases the portal redemption value of your Ultimate Rewards points (even those earned on other cards) to 1.5 cents, compared to the Preferred’s 1.25 cents. If you’re sitting on 100k points, that’s an extra $250 just for having the card.

    It’s worth noting that the Reserve increases the portal redemption value of your Ultimate Rewards points (even those

    How many times do I have to say this? I have already debated you. You don’t realize it because you think that your thoughts are unique, but they are not. Read through this thread. I have answered every single one of your points.

    It’s worth noting that most people are not one accident away from going bankrupt, because most providers will accept some kind of payment plan (whether that be for the portion you owe due to a high deductible, or the entire bill because you don’t have insurance). Providers are happy to be paid at all, so they are

    You are so sad that I won’t engage you, it’s hilarious. You don’t understand that your opinion is meaningless to me. And yet you keep trying to ram yours down my throat and get some sort of response from me - so I’m honored that you care so much about my opinion. But your angry rhetoric is not conducive to honest

    No, I’ve just grown tired of repeating the same thing to condescending shits with Superman complexes who get off on feeling that they are somehow morally superior. I’ve said all that needs to be said. If you are sad that I didn’t respond to your specific special comment, I’m sure that it is just rehashed thoughts

    Caught the last line first, there’s no point in reading the rest. If whatever your argument is holds any water, you wouldn’t need to rely on name-calling to drive it home.

    Lord Butt- I have repeatedly stated that my argument has nothing to do with shifting blame. Please re-read my posts in this thread. You may want me to believe that, because it makes your rebuttal much easier, but that doesn’t change the point that I have repeatedly made. Believe it or not, the world is a nuanced

    No, but while you’re here, have you reflected on your hypocrisy at all? Why do you shit all over strangers and reserve the same logic you publicly condemn for those you truly care about?