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    Just because you can do something to protect yourself doesn’t mean that someone who harms you isn’t still responsible. Did I not make that clear in my original post?


    Except that hasn’t happened in all the time we’ve applied this same basic concept to other parts of life (such as theft, as you mentioned, or crossing the street, etc.).

    Thank you! I’ve made this argument before and it is typically met with lots of hostility (“stop victim blaming!”). I just think that you can both condemn a bad act but also support proactively protecting yourself against said act - they are not mutually exclusive.

    What part of what I said makes you think that I don’t think this is wrong?

    Did you just assume their gender?

    Have you checked the Internet?

    So I assume you walk around with your life savings, in cash, taped to your clothes?

    I agree in theory, but don’t know what that legislation would look like. The direction we’re headed (from both sides) does nothing to solve the underlying problem that patients aren’t (usually) exposed to costs which in turn prevents providers from being exposed to natural market forces. I’d like to think that if we

    Is it, though? Because people shop around for cancer treatment all the time. Source: girlfriend works at a cancer hospital.

    I definitely understand that argument, but don’t think that it’s any different than other industries. When you’re in an emergency situation, you pay emergency prices. That’s no different than if you’re rushed to the hospital with a broken arm, or broken down on the side of the road, or your computer fails the night

    Drug companies and hospitals can charge a lot of money because health insurance companies have little to no say in what they pay for.

    But taking a step back, right now, at least insurers have an incentive to negotiate better rates with providers so that they can offer competitive premiums (not good, not cheap, just competitive).

    Do you live in the U.S.?

    Because after years of being conditioned to view their own healthcare as a societal problem, and not an individual problem, many individuals see very little value in their own healthcare. That’s why so many are obsessed with insurance. And not just any insurance - cheap insurance. Insurance that insures against the

    This post is racist. And if this were a Muslim or a black person, you’d be saying it was isolated and not indicative of their entire religion or race.

    That’s the risk you run when you buy accessories. What exactly is the alternative? Should Apple never abandon a connector? You buy an adapter, maybe a few if you are afraid of them breaking or getting lost, and you use it until you’re ready to replace the accessory. Or you keep the iPhone until you are ready to

    Why is it a “fuck you” when Apple moves on? At what point do you feel that technology should stop advancing so that you aren’t inconvenienced when you upgrade your existing device? Should we still have parallel ports? Punch cards?

    This is not bullshit. I saw this coming a mile away and would bet that it is completely accurate.

    Why should I care how you read my posts? That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem.