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    Good sarcasm doesn’t need the /s. Like my original comment ;)

    I assume it’s a coverup and the drones are sentient and are running the real show at UPS.

    Great points, we should probably freeze all technological progress right now.

    Early tech doesn’t always make sense. I assume longterm, the plan is for the drone to replace the driver, and for the trucks to be driven autonomously. All that’s missing is a mechanism to load the packages into the drone, which can’t be that difficult, and that technology should already exist.

    A Chase Freedon Unlimited yields a 2.25% earn when redeemed for travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal if you have a Sapphire Reserve. Just a .38% profit, but better than 0.

    This has nothing to do with Trump (the ban, yes, but not the regular trampling of constitutional rights that occur at airports). Where were you when this started under Bush and got worse under Obama? I’ve been complaining about this for years. People like you who come to the party like 15 years late and then blame

    “Pulled rank” lol. Was this checkpoint in space?

    You and I are discussing two very different things.

    Don’t you see the irony in explaining “burbclaves” to someone who subscribes to a different philosophy than you and then telling them to take their views elsewhere? You’re telling this person to fall in line with yours and Gizmodo’s ideology or GTFO. Gizmodo is your burbclave and you are actively working to keep it

    You people are obsessed with Trump’s handshakes. It’s one of the most bizarre political obsessions I’ve ever seen.

    This reminds me of my Gameboy Camera and Printer. Those were the days.

    I’m in NYC. It’s suppression here. If I walk outside with my MAGA hat, I am guaranteed to have at least one person say or do something negative to me. In a broader sense, we are forced into silence in social and professional settings. It was perfectly ok for people in offices to talk (positively) about Obama, and

    I’m still not sure what he did wrong. He held the shake for an awkwardly long time for the photo op. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just an awkward person, but I’ve experienced far more awkward situations than that in my life.

    “national embarrassment” LOL. That’s an overreaction if I’ve ever heard one!

    Probably because he’s used to shaking hands under normal circumstances, not as part of extended photo ops, which would surely get old and annoying for any normal person.

    Trump supporter here. I could give you a detailed answer, but simply revealing myself as a Trump supporter will be enough to get attacked around these parts. That kind of suppression is both why he won and why everyone was surprised. 

    You mean like Jewish people?

    Came here to say exactly this. I’m white, but I’m not one to be offended. I also recognize that I need Netflix more than Netflix needs me and so I’d inevitably cave on any boycott. Having said that, I don’t understand why it’s OK to have these views towards white people when if you flip it around, it’s very clearly

    I was just wondering the other day why there was still two machines. It seems silly that I have to move my clothes manually from one machine to the next. All this automation, and I still have to do something so simple that a trained animal could do it.

    What if you truly believe it? How is that different than being transgendered.