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    My knowledge of washers and dryers are limited to the ones my parents have and the ones in my building. I never really used the ones at my parents’ (thanks mom!) and the ones in my building are pretty barebones. I figured it was possible that by now they were smarter, but wasn’t sure. It’s hard to tell these days if

    Very interesting. That’s kind of what I was thinking when I asked “am i missing something here?”. I figured that was possible, but haven’t encountered a machine like that myself. This could be useful in that scenario.

    Have you ever timed your washing machine?

    Hm, this sounds too easy. Are you sure you don’t need to build yourself a vibration sensor that tweets every time your appliance finishes vibrating?

    Does your washing machine display the time when it starts, or does it determine the length of the cycle while it’s running?

    This must be what I was missing. Every machine I had ever used either had a fixed length, or calculated the ideal length and displayed it on a screen.

    That’s what I was wondering. The machines in my apartment building definitely do some kind of calculation (weight-based, I assume) to determine the cycle length, but then it’s displayed and doesn’t change.

    The humans are on to us. I was commenting on Lifehacker again and one caught on. We need to rush the invasion.

    It seemed theoretically possible that some high-end washing machine could detect when the soap was removed and end the wash cycle then instead of guessing based on some amount of time. Or something along those lines, yielding a variable length cycle. In that case, a timer or alarm (which is the most obvious solution

    Right, no question that there’s a need to be reminded when laundry is done. But you could just set an alarm/timer. Every smart phone has that function (maybe dumb phones too!). As well as most digital watches, microwaves, and ovens. And of course alarm clocks. A device that monitors the vibrations of the washing

    My thought wasn’t that people don’t need to be reminded. It was that they could just use a timer. Or an alarm. Things that they have readily available on things like their smart phone, their watch, their alarm clock, even their microwave. A Raspberry Pi-based solution that monitors the vibration of the appliance

    I fixed it for you.

    Don’t washing machines run on time cycles, or am I missing something?

    Yes we’ll see just how bad this whining impacts Uber. Prediction: It doesn’t.

    Jalopnik is the only business allowed to puts its own interests first. Didn’t you know that?

    Orrrrr maybe they just wanted to slightly unfuck travelers unknowingly landing in a shitstorm at JFK who just wanted to get home.

    Why stop there? I leave mine in airplane mode and never touch it. Lasts for weeks.

    Idk if I had to pick who the current state of affairs bothered more, I’d choose you and not the current President.

    I presume your response was framing his use of Twitter as a negative thing. But you used it as a response to me suggesting that they have more important things to do than worry about Twitter 15 seconds after the inauguration. That would suggest that you, too, believe that it’s unimportant, and we agree. But the

    Do we know that for a fact? That’s just something that the author said. I’m not sure what it was before. If they did change it, I would imagine a social media operation the size of that run by the White House has a large collection of graphical assets, one of which was probably that photo. It wouldn’t surprise me