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    Would you categorize that behavior as good or bad? Either it should be a priority or it shouldn’t. Pick one.

    I’m sure that it’s at the very top of his transition team’s list seeing as how important it is to Gizmodo and its community.

    Is that behavior good or bad? Pick one.

    Because what we really want in a President is someone who’s very first order of business is selecting the perfect cover photo for his twitter account. LOL. Can you please join us back here on Earth where the President and his staff have more important things to do?

    Your phone is probably the device you use for email the most

    Prediction: You join a rapidly growing list of people who were overly confident and had to back out of their promises when they were proven wrong.

    That’s funny because just a few months ago everyone’s prediction was 0. Wrong.

    Prediction: Pretty much every other prediction about him was wrong, so yours probably will be, too.

    I honestly thought that my favorite part of a Trump victory would be Trump himself, but I was so, so very wrong. It’s reading posts like this, which attempt to project the author’s own desire for Trump not to become president onto Trump himself. I read the same post over and over again written by so many different

    Flipping that question around, why would you prioritize going to the store to buy something so trivial over the numerous other things you could be doing with that time?

    If you are worried that the economy is going to tank, shouldn’t you save your money and buy the house after the housing market tanks?

    This is one of those things that you can’t unsee. Thanks for that.

    Risky click

    Your definition of milk is too narrow. Webster and Wikipedia both disagree with you. Plant Milk is very real and an appropriate use of the word “milk”.

    If you don’t feel like making your own almond milk, Califia Farms makes the best almond milk. I’ve tried them all. I promise you it’s the best. No, I do not work for them. I’m just a huge fan and I want to see lots of other folks buying their stuff so they stay in business for a very long time. You can find their

    Are you not familiar with short selling? It is absolutely possible to make money from a security that is going to decline.

    Sort of like how Christian bakers are forced to bake cakes for gay weddings, right?

    The pattern begins somewhere. It doesn’t go from 0 to 60 overnight. Is this your first day on Earth? Welcome!

    I’m really glad that people like you weren’t running the country in the 30s and 40s, otherwise the world would be a substantially more awful place.