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    It’s probably a support issue. At some point, Apple probably doesn’t want to test and support older hardware. They have to draw the line somewhere.

    Two thoughts:

    Bonus: Outdoors Mode allows you to enjoy the nice outdoors, smartphone-free, whenever you leave a major city, since you won’t have service.

    I can’t tell what watches are worth thousands of dollars and which are cheap

    I ride the subway with my Apple Watch on (and the SS link bracelet) all the time. I also regularly bang it into stuff and the glass is in perfect shape. It’s built extremely well.

    Very interesting!

    I’m baffled by this - your brain is able to process an audiobook and also maintain a separate stream of consciousness for whatever you’re writing? Do you find that you are mentally different/exceptional in other ways? Are you a great multitasker, for example? Particularly good at a certain kind of puzzle, etc.?

    Aren’t the lego pieces normally glued together to prevent this from happening? That’s what I always thought.

    Yeah I have mad probs with people not paying me for stuff too.

    I agree with others below, DIY with software RAID. Not the fastest, but for backup, it’s all you need - and it decouples the hardware from the array.

    I agree with others below, DIY with software RAID. Not the fastest, but for backup, it’s all you need - and it

    We are soon going to live in a world where “jacket compatibility” is a thing.

    FYI the link to the blog post/announcement is messed up.

    AMC Stubs is probably my favorite rewards program. Movies are so expensive (especially here in NYC), that you sadly hit that $100 pretty quickly, so you feel like you’re getting something back rather frequently.

    Edit: Just realized this is from 2014. AMC Stubs still rocks!

    Yup, both matter, and it’s rarely discussed.

    Line-item utilization is supposedly just as important as aggregate utilization.

    Assuming someone who does not have many hard pulls still on their account, the hard pull is almost always worth it for the line increase if their aggregate or line-item utilization is too high. Their score would also benefit from the additional account, assuming they don’t already have many accounts.

    Per-account utilization matters, too. So, depending on how you distribute spending across your 4 accounts, and how your credit lines are distributed across your 4 accounts, your per-account utilization could still be high. Just because your aggregate utilization is good doesn’t mean you’re in the clear.

    It sounds like this may not be an issue for you, but keep in mind that per-account utilization matters, too. For example, if you put $3k on that card with the $9.5k limit, that would be over 30% utilization. Now that the limit is higher on that card, given your spend, this shouldn’t be an issue for you, but it’s worth

    I hate to break it to you, but if $10k is reported on your $40k card, that’s nearing a utilization ratio that could hurt you. If you happen to charge one large, out of the ordinary purchase to that card, and it’s reported before you pay your bill - you’ll show over 25% utilization on that account.