Yep, that's true and unfortunate. One day...
Yep, that's true and unfortunate. One day...
Yeah, I'm glad that you mentioned this. I actually had a whole paragraph explaining just this - that it matters in that exact sense - and becomes relevant to anyone who might try to set you up with other people, etc. But it became too long, so I removed it.
Wasn't trying to suggest that no one cared. Just that I don't, and some people don't. I'm not ignorant to the fact that there's a lot of people who care - just pointing out that they shouldn't.
Oh yes, I totally understand. I wasn't trying to suggest that they don't. I just wanted anyone out there who's still in the closet to know how *some* people feel about it, and maybe even help them interpret what it means when someone they know doesn't have much of a reaction at all.
I find it fascinating that "coming out" is even a thing. I never got up in front of my family and said "hey everyone, just so you know, I like women.". Of course I realize that's because that's the "default", but really when you think about it, what's the difference? Who cares what gender you're attracted to? How…
That's the one!
That's great! I definitely didn't mean to suggest that all large companies operated that way (although I sure did).
PHP rocks until you need to write a large web application and then it becomes apparent how awful it is for such things.
If you really want to learn OOP, pick up Ruby. Do not start with Java. For someone who has never written code before, Ruby will be much, much easier to pick up, it doesn't require most of the ceremony that other languages require, and it is a truly object-oriented language. Bonus: The community rocks.
There is a shortage of talented programmers. My experience is in web development, specifically Ruby on Rails, and that's where I see the shortage, but I'm sure it exists elsewhere.
Great idea! I'm always fascinated by these articles. There's these people out there sleeping radically differently than the rest of us and often not really talking about it.
Are you an entrepreneur?
I'd love to see a regular series, "This is How I Sleep"!
I read an article once that said that with the absence of artificial light, our bodies default to a biphasic pattern with the first part beginning just after dusk, lasting around four hours, then a multi-hour awake period, then the second part beginning around four hours before dawn.
Interesting - I didn't get that vibe at all from this article. No sarcasm.
LOL User complains Apple treats users like idiots; user hasn't checked System Preferences or Google to disable feature they are complaining about.
Came here to do this. Thank you!
I don't think so, I follow someone who does it religiously - I've never seen him use a period. I could see how that mistake would be possibly, but I think in this case it's intentional (and makes more sense than a period anyway, IMHO)
I've seen people use a >, which I think is much better than a period. It sort of points to the person you're talking to, which makes more sense to me. Any character will work.