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    That's fine. My point is that the support is there. Apple does try to keep its older devices updated. You just don't have that with Android. That is literally all I'm saying. Android has its merits, that just isn't one of them. I don't think one should have to root and install a ROM to get OS updates. That's NOT

    Not that kind of support. Support in the form of OS updates... try to keep up.

    How about 5? You skipped an entire major release there.

    To each their own. I've done both. I'll stick with iOS, I don't even need to jailbreak.

    I have literally never come across a need for Flash on iOS. Flash is terrible for the web and needs to die, which it is. Even Adobe abandoned mobile support for it.

    You can complain that it's slow, but at least it GETS the update. That's the point of this discussion. Look at the iPhone 4. Runs the latest OS great. If that were an Android device, forget it.

    That's a valid point, and I'd go along with that if that was the only time upgrades weren't available. I had the first HTC Incredible, and experienced HTC's shit support first hand. And they're supposedly one of the better vendors. We're not talking about major releases, just minor ones.

    Perhaps. From a user's perspective, though, that is an Android problem. There's no incentive for manufacturers to continue supporting their own devices, because apparently their users are too dumb to let the free market solve this by not purchasing Android devices from manufacturers that refuse to provide ongoing

    Please list the ways in which iOS is inferior to Android or WP7.

    And therein lies one of the core issues with Android.

    Just hit play, and there's a still of a very sad looking man. Is this the whole thing?

    Allow me to further simplify...

    Foiled again by my wordy writing style!

    I really wish I had three hands so I could do this too.

    TL;DW At some point, YouTube stops blindly incrementing the view count and starts verifying that the view count isn't being artificially inflated by bots, misleading titles, etc. That point is 300. However, instead of writing a conditional that does this if the view count is less than 300, some developer wrote one

    I'll admit, yours was pretty good. I made it real quick, and was sort of envisioning a scenario where you were in a crowded area and there was a somewhat long list of people. Idk. I really didn't put much thought into it. I was trying to make her sound neurotic, like, pull out your phone right now and go here and

    Thank you, thank you :)

    Hey, this is crazy...

    I read the headline as "MTV Makes TV More Immersive With Blurry Side Screens For Your Peripheral Vision" and thought it was sarcastic. I waited a while for the punch line. It never came.

    ok. you win. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.